
  1. 对铁路法院及司法程序负有监督权的铁路局目前仍属国有,但性质上已是企业。

    The railway bureaux that oversee the railway courts and judicial processes remain state-owned but have themselves become corporations .

  2. 主要从问责主体、对象、程序和监督权等方面进行了论述。

    The discussion mainly concentrates on the fields of the subject , object , procedure , and of the supervision right of the accountability .

  3. 刑事侦查程序检察监督权是检察机关对侦查机关的侦查活动及在该活动中所作出的决定是否合法进行监督的权力,是宪法和法律赋予给检察机关的一项职能。

    Procedure of criminal investigation right of procuratorial supervision of procuratorial organs on the criminal investigative activities and the activities of the decisions made by the legal supervision power , is the Constitution and the law gives the prosecution of a function .