
chénɡ xù wéi fǎ
  • Procedural illegality;breach of procedural law
  1. 在该部分,笔者对程序性违法、审判程序违法、程序性制裁和审判程序违法的制裁问题等概念进行分析、界定,在此基础上进一步探讨因审判程序违法发回重审制度的现实意义。

    In this section , the author of the paper analyzes and defines the concepts of breach of procedural law , the trial procedures violation and their sanctions , and then explores further the practical significance of the remanding system of illegal trial procedures .

  2. 行政程序违法及其法律后果&一个比较的分析

    Illegal administrative procedure and its legal consequence & A comparative analysis

  3. 行政程序违法的法律后果及其责任

    Legal Consequence of Violating Administrative Procedure and the Responsibility

  4. 不正当利益分实体违法利益和程序违法利益;

    The illegal interests can be divided into substantial interests and procedural ones .

  5. 纸上荧光分析法程序违法;


  6. 论具体行政行为中行政主体程序违法的法律救济

    On Legal Relief for Abministrative Subject Breaching the Procedure Law in Concrete Abministrative Practices

  7. 行政程序违法责任是行政程序法律制度的重要内容。

    Liabilities of violating administrative procedure are important content of administrative procedure legal system .

  8. 行政处罚程序违法问题探析

    Research on Breach of Procedure of Administrative Penalty

  9. 我国行政程序违法责任研究

    Research on Liabilities of Violating Administrative Procedure

  10. 程序违法;

    The procedure breaks the law ;

  11. 在刑事诉讼实务中程序违法现象较为严重,一个重要原因是刑事程序性制裁的缺失。

    The procedural sanction is prescribed in Criminal Procedure Law for the punishment to the procedural illegality .

  12. 只有同时具备主体要件、客体要件、主观要件、客观要件的行为才构成行政程序违法行为。

    Infraction of administrative procedure is the behavior that administrative organs violate compulsory legal procedure or abuse procedure .

  13. 第二部分考察了国外主要国家行政程序违法法律责任的有关规定。

    The second part inspected the main overseas national related stipulation of the legal liability of the illegal administrative procedure .

  14. 第四部分论述我国行政主体程序违法法律救济体系的构建。

    The fourth part discusses the construction of legal relief system in China for administrative subject breaching the procedure law .

  15. 本文第一部分是关于行政程序违法法律责任的基本理论。

    The first part of this article is about the elementary theory of the legal liability of the illegal administrative procedure .

  16. 行政程序违法责任应根据行政程序法价值冲突而具体分析和处理。

    The analysis and handling of the responsibilities of the Administrative procedure law violation should be based on its value conflict .

  17. 第二部分分析了追究行政程序违法责任的前提条件&行政程序违法。行政程序违法是行政主体违反强制性法定程序或滥用程序的行为。

    The second part discusses the prerequisite conditions of founding out liabilities of violating administrative procedure , infraction of administrative procedure .

  18. 此外,行政公务人员也是程序违法的责任主体,也应当承担相应的法律责任。

    In addition , the public personnel is also program illegal responsibility main body , also shall bear the corresponding legal liabilities .

  19. 程序违法责问失权制度是民事诉讼当事人失权体系中一项十分重要的组成部分。

    The system of the accusatory irritancy to illegal procedure is an important component of institution irritancy for parties of civil suits .

  20. 因此,有必要研究和借鉴国外的行政程序违法法律责任机制。

    Therefore , it is necessary to research and draw lessons from overseas for its legal liability mechanism of the illegal administrative procedure .

  21. 纵观当前我国城市房屋征收、拆迁事件,程序违法是导致我国拆迁纠纷频发的关键因素之一。

    Looking at the current events of house demolition , the illegal demolition process is one of the key factors of frequent disputes .

  22. 只有先确定谁有可能违法,才能进一步分析其缔约程序违法的情形。

    Only making sure which party is possible to violate the law first , we can analyze the conditions of illegal concluding procedure .

  23. 但是,司法实践中,当事人以一审程序违法提出上诉很难取得上诉的胜利。

    However , in judicial practice , the party concerned can hardly win a suit by appealing against the breach of the first-instance procedure .

  24. 国外行政程序违法法律责任机制的设立,表现出极大的灵活性,具体体现在两个方面:1.法律后果的多样性;

    The overseas legal liability mechanism of the illegal administrative procedure establishment , displays the enormous flexibility , manifests specifically in two aspects : 1.Legal consequencemultiplicity ;

  25. 当行政程序违法致使行政行为被依法确认无效或撤销时,行政行为被视为自始不发生效力。

    Administrative procedures resulting in illegal administrative act shall be confirmed invalid or revoked , the administrative act is regarded as the beginning not take effect .

  26. 其主要内容具体如下:第一部分着重于介绍因审判程序违法发回重审的原理。

    The main contents are as follows : The first part focuses on the trial process , introduced by the principle of remanding illegal trial procedures .

  27. 继而通过对行政程序违法现象的研究,阐明行政程序法律责任确立的前提;

    By studying the illegal phenomenon of the procedure of the administration , it is expounded the prerequisite of the procedure legal liability of the administration .

  28. 而召集程序违法又分为股东会由无召集人召集和通知的瑕疵两种。

    The illegal convening procedure could be divided into such two categories as convening the shareholder meeting by convener without authority and the defect of notice .

  29. 本文第一部分分析了确立行政程序违法责任的理论根据&独立客观存在的行政程序权利义务。

    The first part analyzes the theoretical grounds of establishing liabilities of violating administrative procedure , administrative procedure rights and duties , which exist independently and objectively .

  30. 第一部分从程序违法责问失权的内涵及构成要件着手,从实践中总结责问权丧失所产生的后果,分析该制度的理论价值,以此证明失权例外存在的合理性。

    The first part analyzes theoretical value of the system from intension , constitutive requirements and consequences of divesting accusatorial right , to prove escape clause rationality .