
  • 网络constitutionality
  1. 他们计划对该法的合宪性提出质疑。

    They plan to challenge the constitutionality of the law .

  2. 第三部分全面论述了司法机关的合宪性审查。

    The third part is about the judicial review of constitutionality .

  3. 他们在州宪法下评估州法律的合宪性。

    They evaluate the constitutionality of state laws under the state constitution .

  4. 论宪法解释程序中的合宪性推定原则

    On the Principle of Constitutionality Presumption in the Procedure of Interpreting Constitution

  5. 妇女代表比例法定化的合宪性探讨

    On the Constitutionality of Legalizing the " Ratio of Female Representatives "

  6. 刑事诉讼法个别条款的合宪性探析

    Discussions on constitutionality of individual clause of criminal procedure

  7. 行政法律裁判中的合宪性解释与价值衡量方法&对一个行政案件法律推理过程的具体考察

    Constitutional Interpretation and Value Evaluation Manners in Administrative Judgment

  8. 最后,对这种解释框架的合宪性进行了考察。

    Finally , it inspects constitutionality of this frame .

  9. 原告杜克电力公司对《普莱斯一安德森法》的合宪性提出质疑。

    The plaintiffs in Duke Power challenged the constitutionality of the Price-Anderson Act .

  10. 论合宪性解释不是宪法的司法适用方式

    Constitutional Interpretation Is not Judicial Application Mode of Constitution

  11. 合宪性审查与司法权的强化

    Constitutional Review and the Strengthening of Judicial Power

  12. 法律尽职调查与金融不良资产评估此即合宪性、合法性标准。

    Legal due diligence investigation and non-performing financial assets valuation due process of law .

  13. 再论合宪性审查&权力关系网的拓扑与制度变迁的博弈

    Constitutionally-endorsed Censorship : the Topology of Power Network and the Game Principle in Institutional Reform

  14. 战争经国会的合宪性授权了吗?

    Was War Constitutionally Authorized by Congress ?

  15. 第二章主要对合宪性解释的必要性进行了重点阐述。

    The second chapter on the necessity of interpretation of the constitutionality of the highlights .

  16. 对于刑事法律来说,其合宪性的基本要求是:什么是刑事法律不能进行立法的。

    Even a democratic criminal law may still fail to meet the requirement of constitutionality .

  17. 此即合宪性、合法性标准。论法治进程中的正当程序

    On due process in rule of law

  18. 并肯定了职工参与公司管理的合宪性。

    It also affirms the constitution suiting nature of worker participating in the company 's management .

  19. 论合宪性推定原则

    On the Principle of Constitutionality Presumption

  20. 在法庭上,不断(有案例)向蓝法的合宪性提出挑战。

    Repeated legal challenges to the constitutionality of blue laws have been made in the courts .

  21. 律师将于下个月就威斯康星州和印第安纳州同性婚姻禁令的合宪性进行辩论。

    Lawyers will argue that constitutionality of gay marriage bans in Wisconsin and Indiana next month .

  22. 不过,包括该计划是否合宪在内的一系列其他针对该计划的法律诉讼还有待裁定。

    A series of other legal challenges to the programme are pending , including over its constitutionality .

  23. 宪法司法化应该包含两方面的内容:一是违宪审查,即对立法行为和行政行为是否合宪进行司法审查;

    Judicialization of Constitution should include two aspects of contents : One is investigation of violation of constitution ;

  24. 而近代法院则逐渐从国家事务的后台走向了前台&通过裁判来判断政治行为的合宪(法)与否,并形成公共政策以影响社会发展的进程。现代法院必须具备公共政策的形成功能。

    The modern court has moved towards the front desk from the backstage supporter of the national affairs gradually .

  25. 国家银行合宪性的看法〉,收录于《爱默森选集-袖珍版》,1791,第261-67页。

    " Opinion on the Constitutionality of a National Bank . " In Portable Thomas Jefferson . 1791 , pp.261-67 .

  26. 同一附件在最近的一个著名的、关于《国家机关道德标准法》的合宪性的案子里起了作用。

    The same proviso came into play in a celebrated recent case concerning the constitutionality of the Ethics in Government Act .

  27. 外行人对宪法的看法是,他喜欢的就认为合宪,他不喜欢的就认为是违宪。

    The layman 's constitutional view is that what he likes is constitutional and that which he doesn 't like is unconstitutional .

  28. 刑法合宪审查是实现刑事法治、推进宪政进程的重要方面。

    The constitutional review of the criminal law is an important aspect of realizing criminal constitutionality and promoting the development of constitutionalism .

  29. 对此可以借鉴大陆法系国家尤其是德国对失权以合宪性控制其构成要件和其严格的解释。

    We can learn from the civil law countries , especially the constitutionality control for the elements and strict interpretation in Germany .

  30. 它包括正当程序原则、国家权力运行程序和合宪性监督程序、立宪程序等内容。

    It includes such issues as fair procedural principles , operational procedure of state power undertaking , constitutional supervision procedures and constitutional procedures .