- 名First instance procedure;procedure of first instance

As promoting the outside safeguards of the options , we must enlarge the limits of the agreement jurisdiction , add the consensual option between the procedure of first instance and appellate procedure , and the consensual option on jurors and justicer , and so on .
The pre-mediation in litigation only apply to ordinary procedure of first instance .
Civil Justice in Everyday Practice : The Actual Operation of First-instance Civil Procedure in Fore Intermediate Courts
The death penalty trial procedures of China include the first trial procedure , the appellate procedure and the review procedure .
However , in judicial practice , the party concerned can hardly win a suit by appealing against the breach of the first-instance procedure .
The re-prosecution refers to a prosecution made after the decision not to prosecute or prosecute , with the new facts , the evidence for the same offense in first instance .
This paper is the initial result of an empirical investigation , which was designed for getting the information about the actual operation of the first-instance civil procedure in the Intermediate Courts .
Also hope that by studying the normalization of sentencing recommendations in first instance of criminal proceedings to put forward some specific measures to make it perfection .
The way of transfer evidence in the prosecution stage is the core issue of what kind of way through which evidence in the case and related materials from the examination of their own party delivered to the court that a pre-trial proceedings .
Ying-financing fraud case in Dongyang City , Zhejiang Province , after the first and second instance procedures , sentenced the accused Wu Ying guilty of financial fraud and sentenced to death and confiscation of all their personal property .
Retrial procedure is the most important system in the civil lawsuit .