
  • 网络general intelligence;intelligence;generality
  1. 有种测量方法叫作“一般智力(generalintelligence)”或称“g因素”。

    Then there is also a measurement called general intelligence or ' g factor ' .

  2. 大量的研究已经表明,检测时与一般智力(g)之间存在某种程度的负相关。

    A large amount of research has already indicated that there exists some degree negative correlation between inspection time and general intelligence .

  3. 卡内基梅隆大学(CarnegieMellonUniversity)的研究者们想弄明白,拥有一般智力的人通过练习是否可以突破这个记忆力的极限,于是他们进行了相关实验。

    Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University wanted to know if someone of average intelligence could break that barrier with practice .

  4. 信息加工速度和神经传导速度均与一般智力因素(g因素)存在较高的相关。上述研究发现促进了智力与心理速度关系的跨学科研究,成为智力研究领域中的热点。

    Many findings demonstrate that both information processing speed and nerve conduction velocity have a higher correlation with intelligence g factor , and that the cross-disciplinary studies on the relationship between intelligence and mental speed have become an important approach .

  5. ADHD儿童的视觉运动整合能力较正常儿童差,VMI更能反映ADHD亚型中的注意力障碍问题;各亚型之间计划能力、一般智力没有明显的差异。

    The visual motor integration ability of ADHD children is weaker than that of normal children , VMI can better reflect the problem of attention deficit in different subtypes of ADHD .

  6. 我国优秀少年排球运动员一般智力特征的研究

    Research on Intelligence Characteristics of Chinese Excellent Junior Volleyball Athletes

  7. 读写能力的发展对一般智力发展有着深远的影响。

    The development of literacy has far-reaching effects on general intellectual development .

  8. 工作记忆和一般智力关系的研究现状与前瞻

    Recent Development in the Study of the Relationship between General Intelligence and Working Memory

  9. 一般智力因素和心理健康因素也有影响但不明显。

    In addition , the general intelligence and mental health factors also slightly affect them .

  10. 这将使人口的一般智力水平下降。

    This would bring about a lowering of the general level of intelligence in the population .

  11. 觉知的社会支持、一般智力效能感、家庭月收入负性预测消极情感。

    Perceived social support , self-efficacy of general intelligence and family income negatively predict negative affection .

  12. 一般智力理论认为,我们的大脑体积更大也更为复杂,于是我们在整体上占有优势。

    The general-intelligence theory says that our bigger and more complex brains give us an overall edge .

  13. 检测时、信息加工速度和一般智力关系的实证研究

    The Research on the Relation Among Inspection Time , the Speed of Information Processing and General Intelligence

  14. 他认为语言并不是语言器官的产物,而是一般智力的延伸。

    He argues that language is not the product of a " language organ " but an extension of general intelligence .

  15. 说明社会智力与一般智力存在共同的负荷,但又不是同一个心理特质。

    This shows that there is common load between Social intelligence and general intelligence , but they are not the same psychological characteristics .

  16. 大学生一般智力与社会智力及其各维度的相关显著,但相关系数均不高。

    General intelligence of College Students is related significantly to social intelligence and its various dimensions , but the correlation coefficients are not high .

  17. 一般流体智力研究中工作记忆与注意的关系

    The Relationship between Working Memory and Attention in Researches of General Fluid Intelligence

  18. 一般流体智力的结构与老化机制&结构方程模型的比较

    The Structure and Aging Mechanism of General Fluid Intelligence : A Structure Model Exploration

  19. 但是,人们一般强调智力因素对学习成绩的重要影响。

    However , people usually emphasize the important influence of intellectual factors on learning performance .

  20. 第三,加工速度对一般流体智力的直接效应显著;

    Thirdly , the direct effect of processing speed on general fluid intelligence is significant ;

  21. 但是对一般晶体智力的直接效应并不显著;

    But the direct effect of processing speed on general crystallized intelligence is not significant .

  22. 我并不是说,这样做需要更多的比一般人智力拥有。

    I 'm not saying that doing this requires more brainpower than the average person possesses .

  23. 获得科学知识本身的欲望比一般反智力论者所认识的要大得多。

    The desire for knowledge for its own sake is more widespread than is generally recognized by anti-intellectualists .

  24. 工作记忆不仅与一般液体智力有着十分密切的关系,而且与长时记忆之间也存在密切的联系。

    Working memory not only is closely to general fluid intelligence but also is intimately associated with long-term memory .

  25. 第二,中央执行功能对一般流体智力和一般晶体智力的直接效应都很显著;

    Secondly , the direct effect of the central executive on general fluid intelligence and general crystallized intelligence is significant ;

  26. 对一般流体智力的脑成像研究有助于探明智力的脑机制。

    The brain-imaging studies on the general fluid intelligence will contribute to the comprehension of the brain mechanism of intelligence .

  27. 一般流体智力和工作记忆所体现出来的相关应该是共变关系,两者是同功同构的。

    The manifest correlation of General fluid intelligence and Working memory should be the covariant relations , and they are analogy isomorphism .

  28. 一般认为,情绪智力指的是人们加工和处理情绪信息以及解决情绪性问题的能力。

    It generally believed that emotional intelligence refers to people processing and the processing of emotional information and ability to solve emotional problems .

  29. 而在一般性任务和智力型任务两种任务类型下,使用手机语音通信或短信对合作绩效的影响差异都不大;(3)沟通满意度与合作绩效并不正相关。

    By general task and intellective task , there is no big difference between the impacts resulted by the two communication modalities . ( 3 ) The communication satisfaction is not positively correlated to the performance of teamwork .

  30. 在传统的人员测量和选拨中,人们常常只关注一个人的能力状况,如一般认知能力和智力、实际解决问题的能力,而对一个人的个性特征的非智力因素则不够重视。

    In traditional personnel measuring and selecting process , we always focus our attention on people 's ability such as general cognitive ability , intelligence or problem-solving ability while neglecting the non - intelligence factor of people 's personality .