
  • 网络Total;total variance
  1. 分析了光纤陀螺随机误差特性的的总方差特征,对Allan方差和总方差方法进行了比较仿真研究。

    The Total variance characteristics of the random errors are analyzed , and the estimation performance is compared between Allan variance and Total variance .

  2. 大部分加性和上位性效应的贡献率较低(0.76%~9.92%),仅有少数QTL或上位性QTL解释总方差的10%以上。

    The contribution rates of additive and epistatic effects seemed to be in a low magnitude for most cases ( 0.76 % – 9.92 % ) while a few QTLs or QTL pairs explained more than 10 % of total variance .

  3. 第1个POP对占东部夏季降水TBO总方差的18.2%,循环周期约为2年。

    The first POPs ' variance is 18.2 % and the period is about 2 years .

  4. 结果表明,中优9507×CA9632的PPO活性受2对独立主基因控制遗传,主基因遗传率为88.83%,环境影响较小,环境方差占总方差的11.17%。

    The results showed that PPO activity in the cross was controlled by two major genes ( the B 1 2 model ) . Heritability value of the major genes was estimated as 88.83 % , while variance of environment was 11.17 % in total variance .

  5. 结果:①MRBQ可抽取出4个因素:冲动行为、超速及故意违规行为、错误行为和警觉安全行为,这4个因素可解释项目总方差的46.20%。

    RESULTS : ① Four factors were extracted , namely aggressive behavior , overspeed and purposed violation behavior , error and safe riding behavior , which explained 46.20 % of the total variance .

  6. 从各主分量的方差贡献来看,前15个主分量的方差贡献之和是总方差的78%。

    The first fifteen principal components have a variance contribution of 78 % .

  7. 因子1和因子2共占总方差的26.2%。

    The two factors together accounted for 26.2 % of the total variance .

  8. 用总方差进行频率稳定度的估计

    The Estimation of Frequency Stability by Total Variance

  9. 探索性因素分析表明各维度对所属因子有中度以上的负荷,抽取的两个因子解释了总方差的68.9%。

    Exploratory factor analysis showed that every dimension had load of mid-degree on its factor .

  10. 提出了渐进取样法,通过样本数目的累积,使总方差估计值达到所需的精度。

    With the accumulation of the increments , the estimated sampling variances gradually reach the required precision .

  11. 而总方差大于零等价于资源配置处于非帕累托最优状态;

    More than zero of the aggregate variance is equivalent to that the resource is in non-Pareto optimality status .

  12. 残余起拱高度对织物起拱特性总方差的贡献在94%以上。

    Residual bagging height contributes up to 94 % of the total variance in the perception of fabric bagging .

  13. 加加上位性效应则只有根长达显著水平,其方差占总方差的48%。

    The epistatic effect variance of root length was significant , with a ratio of 48 % of total variance .

  14. 银屑病的严重程度在线性回归中占健康相关生活质量的总方差的71.4%。

    It was found that severity of depression accounted for71.4 % of the total variance of HRQoL in linear regression .

  15. 在主成分分析图中显示,第一、二个主成分总共解释了总方差的84.629%。

    The PC map shows that the first two principal components could account for 84.629 % of the total variation .

  16. 随着某遗传方差在总方差中所占比例的增加,它的相关性就明显增大;

    When genetic variance increased relative to total variance , its correlation between diallel analysis and QTL mapping also obviously aggrandized ;

  17. 第二,详细分析了测量精度(或量测方差)对量测估计误差总方差的影响,从理论上证明了将伪量测点替换为实测点,可以提高估计精度;

    Secondly , the relationship between measurement precise ( or measurement variance ) and total variance of estimation error is analyzed in details .

  18. 意志控制有利于提高生活满意度水平,能贡献总方差的7%。

    Volitional control is a great benefit of improving the satisfaction degree with life . It accounts for 7 % of the total variance .

  19. 结果表明:祁连山附近气温在空间上具有很好的一致性,年平均气温的第一主成分的方差贡献可占总方差的75%左右。

    The results show temperature spatial variations have high consistency , the variance ratio contribution of the first principal component is about 75 % .

  20. 条目程度从1-5级均呈单向递增。④因素分析抽取2个因子,解释70.116%的总方差。

    Every item scores range from 1 to 5 . Two factors were obtained in exploratory factor analysis , accounting for 70.116 % of total variance ;

  21. 蛋白质含量和湿面筋含量总方差中环境方差的比例较大,其次为基因型与环境互作的方差、基因型所占比例较小,说明主要受环境的影响。

    Protein content and wet gluten were mainly influenced by environment ; the second factor was G × E. The genotype only has the little influence .

  22. 均方波陡表示海面斜率总方差,反映海面的粗糙程度。

    The mean square slope is defined as the total slope variance of sea surface , and it reflects the coarse degree of the sea surface .

  23. 探索性因素分析各抽出两个特征值大于1的因素,甲乙套各能解释的总方差分别为73.70%和74.49%,验证性因素分析证明甲乙套语文的模型拟合良好。

    There were two main factors by exploratory factor analysis , which decided 73.70 % for Form A and 74.49 % Form B of the whole variance .

  24. 因子分析产生5个公因子累积解释总方差68.98%,并在相应项目上具有较强的因子载荷,表明量表的结构效度较好。

    The factor analysis brought about five common factors with the general variance of 68.98 percent . And each has a comparatively strong factor load on correspond-ing item .

  25. 总方差与资源配置中期望价格的比值越小,则这个配置的效率越高,反之,则越低。

    The ratio of the aggregate variance to the expectation price of the resource is smaller , the efficiency of the resource allocation is lower , vice versa .

  26. 上市公司实证分析中,因子分析找到的7个主成份的累计方差占25个财务指标总方差的81.427%,且7个主成份相互独立。

    Empirical studies for listed companies found 7 mutually-independent principal components , whose cumulative variances covered ( 81.427 % ) of the total variances of 25 financial ratios .

  27. 结果:①经因子分析,抽取特征根值>1的11个因子,包含130个条目,可解释总方差的571%;

    RESULTS : ① After factors analysis , 11 factors with eigenvalue more than 1 were extracted , which contained 130 items and accounted for 57.1 % variance .

  28. 马头山羊产羔数父系和母系配子印迹效应的方差组分占总方差的比率分别为1.1%和2.3%。

    For the litter size , estimates of the proportion of total variance accounted for by paternally and maternally transmitted gametes were 1.1 % and 2.3 % respectively .

  29. 它们对智能建筑企业成长影响的贡献率分别为27.75%、11.61%和7.65%,可解释一般因子的总方差达到47.01%。

    They influence of intelligent building enterprise growth contribution of 27.75 % , respectively 11.61 % and 7.65 % could explain the total variance to general factor 47.01 % .

  30. 尽管姊妹系和姊妹种的遗传成分在组合表型总方差中所占比例较小,但其在穗部各性状之间仍存在较大分歧。

    The genetic constitution of sister line and sister species made up the smaller proportion of the total crosses variance , but it had larger differences among the ear characters .