
zǒnɡ dū fǔ
  • governor-general's residence
  1. 叛乱者包围了总督府。

    The rebels laid siege to the governor 's residence

  2. 阿尔普、古斯塔夫·多雷(GustaveDoré)等当地艺术家都有各自的展厅,多雷的画作《耶稣离开总督府》(ChristLeavingthePraetorium,1867-1872年)宏大磅礴,充满神秘气息。

    Max Ernst and other heavyweights . Local talents like Arp and the illustrator Gustave Dor é get rooms of their own , highlighted by Dor é 's massive , dynamic , mystical " Christ Leaving the Praetorium " ( 1867-72 ) .

  3. 总督府中不时举行正式酒会。

    At intervals formal receptions were held at the governor 's mansion .

  4. 我们第一先去总督府好吗?

    Shall we go to the principal 's room first ?

  5. 我们能看见安哥拉国旗在总督府上空飘扬。

    We could see the Angolan flag flying over the governor 's palace .

  6. 马可基督教堂和总督府。

    Mark 's Basilica and the Doge 's Palace .

  7. 约十八28众人将耶稣从该亚法那里解往总督府去,那时是清早。

    Jn . 18:28 Then they led Jesus from Caiaphas into the praetorium , and it was early morning .

  8. 日据时期,为配合日本政府的南进东南亚的战略,台湾总督府展开了对南洋华侨的全面调查活动。

    An Analysis of " Oversea Chinese in Southeast Asia " by the Government-General of Formosa under the Japanese Rule ;

  9. 澳门总督府今昔&纪念澳门回归十周年

    Past and Present of Government House , Macao & In Memory of the Tenth Anniversary of Macau 's Return to Motherland

  10. 他们自己却不进总督府去,恐怕染了污秽,不能吃逾越节的筵席。

    And they themselves did not enter into the praetorium , so that they would not be defiled , but might eat the passover .

  11. 这个派对是由新西兰儿童福利慈善机构普伦基特在惠林顿总督府总督官邸组织的。

    It was organised by the New Zealand child welfare charity Plunket at the Governor General 's residence , Government House , in Wellington .

  12. 在建设胶澳保护区的特定目标下,胶澳总督府在卫生建设方面的措施清楚地展现出殖民体制的普遍性和特殊性。

    The colonial government 's policies concerning hygienic facilities in Kiautschou not only exemplify its peculiarity , they also reflects the common attributes of colonial system .

  13. 约十九9又进总督府,对耶稣说,你是那里来的?耶稣却不回答。

    Jn . 19:9 And he entered into the praetorium again and said to Jesus , Where are You from ? But Jesus gave him no answer .

  14. 宣大总督节制宣府、大同和山西三抚三镇等。

    Xuan-Da governor administers three towns and Procurators of Xuanfu , Datong and Shanxi .