
  • 网络colonial society
  1. 殖民地社会种种单调呆板的要求。

    The dehumanized requirements of the colonial society .

  2. 法律多元的它的研究范畴由殖民地社会扩展到现代西方社会,并顺应全球化发展潮流,与全球化时代的法律研究紧密结合起来。

    The research range of legal pluralism has expanded from colonial society to modern western society . At the same time , the legal research is also closely together with the trend of globalization .

  3. 中国近代是个半封建半殖民地社会,如何走向现代化?

    The modern society of China was a semi - feudal and semi - colonial society .

  4. 对于韩国文人来说,本国的社会文化现状的基本形态是日本帝国主义统治下的殖民地社会。

    For Korean literati , the society and culture of their own country was in depressive state under the conquer of Japanese colonialism .

  5. 自半封建半殖民地社会性质的近代社会确立以来,皖北地区的农业经济渐趋衰退,并出现了不少变化。

    After the establishment of semi-feudal and semi-colonial society in the 19th century , the agricultural economy in the northern Anhui is declining gradually and there are some changes in the economy .

  6. 对此,本文通过分析该作品中所表现出的殖民地社会现象和人物的性格以及殖民地社会现实与人物的矛盾,对该作品所具有的思想性进行了论证。

    Through the analysis of the performance of the phenomenon of the colonial society in the work , the reality of colonial society and the conflicts of personalities , this essay proves the ideology which the work has .

  7. 费城是美国殖民地的社会、政治以及地理中心。

    Philadelphia became the social , political and geographical center of the American colonies .

  8. 韦伯斯特低估了英国和其前属殖民地间社会交往的频度。

    Webster had underrated the amount of social intercourse between England and her former colony .

  9. 试析英属北美殖民地的社会关系及民族的形成

    Analysis of Social Relationship in British Colonies in North America and the Formation of the Nation

  10. 半封建半殖民地的社会土壤,滋生并繁衍了男权中心文化。

    The patriarchy - centered culture emerged and grew in the semi - feudal and semi - colonial soil .

  11. 通过对文本和小说人物的分析与研究,领悟作者对生活在殖民地男权社会统治的女性悲惨命运的深切同情。

    Doris Lessing once remarked that we live in a series of prisons called race , class , male and female .

  12. 这既与农民自身价值观有关,也与当时中国半封建半殖民地的社会环境、阶级状况有关。

    It related to both values of the peasants themselves and the social environment and class condition of semi-feudal , semi-colonial of China at that time .

  13. 索因卡是一个文化混血儿,他的诗歌作品是双重文化的混合,来源于西方现代诗歌传统和非洲殖民地的社会文化现实。

    Soyinka is a cultural " baster ," whose poetic works are results of combination of dual cultures from the tradition of modern western poetry and the social and cultural reality of African colonies .

  14. 在殖民地农业社会中,在一定的区域或范围内一些移民们试图对全体儿童实施教育,关注社会下层劳动者子弟的教育,美国普及教育开始萌芽。

    In the colonized agricultural society , some features of universal education came into being , that is to say , in certain areas or scope the people tried to offer educational opportunities to all children , and the education of disadvantaged children drew the attention of the communities .

  15. 它的提出也是在当时特定的外交环境下晚清政府综合考虑的结果,是半封建半殖民地的社会性质在外交活动上的体现,也使得晚清外交最终形成了爱国与误国并存的外交事实。

    The proposal of the strategy was also the result after the late Qing government comprehensively thought in the specified diplomatic environment then and the reflection of semi-feudal and semi-colonial social nature in diplomatic affairs , which formed the diplomatic fact that patriotism and hindrance for the country coexisted .

  16. 林纾生活的时代恰逢中国沦陷为半殖民地半封建社会。

    Lin Shu lived in ages when China was plunged deep into semi-feudalism and semi-colonialism .

  17. 1949年~1999年,四川全境解放50年,四川如何从半殖民地半封建社会跨入社会主义社会?

    How did Sichuan Change from a semi feudalist , semi colonialist society into socialist society ?

  18. 中国近代民族资本企业诞生于半殖民地半封建社会,受到帝国主义和封建官僚主义的双重压迫,在夹缝中求生存。

    The Chinese modern national capital enterprise is born in the semi colonial and semi feudal society .

  19. 从1840年中国沦为半殖民地半封建社会到1949年新中国的成立,近现代中国经历了大的社会动荡和社会变革。

    From 1840 to 1949 , China in modern times experienced the social upheaval and great changes .

  20. 自从中国沦为半殖民地半封建社会以后,中国社会的发展虽然路经多歧,千回百折,但总方向是与世界日益接轨,向着近代化的目标艰难而又不可阻挡地前进。

    After China became the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society , the development of Chinese society has experienced tremendous difficulties .

  21. 19世纪中期,西方国家入侵中国,中国逐渐沦为半殖民地半封建社会。

    In the middle 19th century , the western invasion threw China into the abyss of the semi-feudal and semi-colonial .

  22. 建国之前,中国的半殖民地半封建社会性质限制了国家经济的发展,当时的保险事业极不发达。

    Before nation-building , China was the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society . The insurance business was as backward as economy .

  23. 中国近代军阀及军阀政治,是半殖民地半封建社会畸形发展的产物。

    China 's warlords and warlord politics are the results of abnormal development of semi colonial and semi feudal society .

  24. 而那时,中国是一个半殖民地半封建社会,国家深受贫困、社会动荡和外国欺压之苦。

    China was then a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society . Poverty , social unrest and foreign oppression prevailed across the country .

  25. 但天津茶园戏曲艺术的产业化过程,又不能不打上了半殖民地半封建社会的烙印。

    But the industrialization process of the drama of Tianjin tea gardens had to have the branding of the semi-colony semi-feudal society .

  26. 新民思想产生于世界资本主义迅速发展、中国逐渐沦为半殖民地半封建社会的时代背景之下。

    Xinmin thinking came into being when capitalism developed rapidly in the world and China gradually reduced to a semi-colonial semi-feudal society .

  27. 在这个过程中,中国从一个半殖民地半封建社会(前现代社会)走向了现代意义上的民族国家。

    In this process , China ( modern society ) moved toward in the modern significance nation-state before a semicolonial and semifeudal society .

  28. 近代湖南社会在半殖民地半封建社会的大环境下,和全国各省一样饱受内忧外患,社会出现前所未有的动荡局面。

    The modern society of Hunan is under the great environment of the semi-colony semi-feudal society , the society appears unprecedented turbulent situation .

  29. 鸦片战争后,中国一步步沦为半殖民地半封建社会,面临着民族复兴的时代课题。

    After the Opium War , China becomes semi-colonial and semi-feudal society step by step , facing the subject of the revival of nationhood .

  30. 列强的侵略使中国开始逐步沦为半殖民地半封建社会,成为列强倾销商品和掠夺原料的场所。

    Aggression by foreign powers in China has gradually become a semi-colonial semi-feudal society as dumping goods and predatory powers of the place of raw materials .