
zhí mín ɡuó jiā
  • colonial power;colonial state
  1. 欧洲西南部一个王国,位于伊比利亚半岛;曾是一个强大的殖民国家。

    A kingdom in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula ; a former colonial power .

  2. 意大利,这个以前的殖民国家,一开始就令人绝望的远离这次危机并且依旧保持着一个二流国家的角色。

    Italy , the former colonial power , was hopelessly out of touch at first and remains a minor player .

  3. 其它殖民国家学习的教训

    A Lesson for Other Colonizing Nations .

  4. 法国和法国的殖民国家所说的浪漫文学语言。

    The Romance language spoken in France and in countries colonized by France .

  5. 这个英国殖民国家于1980年获得独立。

    In1980 the former British colony gained independence .

  6. 特立尼达是一个文化拼凑的被殖民国家,处在世界的边缘。

    Trinidad is a colony country of culture-medley , at the edge of world .

  7. 这导致了教会利益经常与殖民国家的世俗利益发生矛盾,而结局往往是教会利益被殖民国家忽视。

    The result is always that interest of missionary church is ignored by colonized countries .

  8. 定位老鼠,人和模式生物:殖民国家建设和缔造科学事实的历史描述。

    Situating Mice , Men , and Model Organisms : Historical Narratives in Colonial Nation Building and Scientific Fact Making .

  9. 直到清朝末年,城市广场这一概念才由西方殖民国家引入。

    Until the end of Qing Dynasty , the conception of the plaza has been brought by the Western colonizers .

  10. 到现在为止,非洲昀大的殖民国家南非和尼日利亚在此方面的投入少之又少,尽管他们也是主要的海盗袭击对象之一。

    South Africa and Nigeria , Africa 's biggest foreign-policy beasts , contribute little , even though piracy has crept towards their shores .

  11. 它借用男性形象指代殖民者的主导地位,女性形象指代被殖民国家的下等地位。

    It usually uses a male image to symbolize the dominant position of the colonizers and female image the inferior position of the subalterns .

  12. 据说他还利用因石油收益带来的巨大财富为在前殖民国家法国担任职位的政治家提供经济支持。

    He 's even believed to have used his vast wealth , thanks to oil revenues to finance politicians in the former colonial power France .

  13. 近代早期的葡萄牙既是信奉天主教的旧教国,也是最早向海外扩张的欧洲殖民国家。

    Its well known that in the early modern times , Portugal was both a Catholic country and the first European colonial country expanding overseas .

  14. 然而,西欧盟国作为传统的殖民国家,主要从殖民利益和地区利益上看待刚果危机,反对美国过于干涉。

    However , the Western colonial powers treated it as their colonial and regional benefits , and strongly opposed to American exorbitant intervention in Congo and Africa .

  15. 奈保尔的印度血统、加勒比特里尼达的成长经历、英国的学习和定居、后殖民国家的漂泊生涯使其文化身份极具复杂性。

    The Indian lineage , Trinidadian and Caribbean growing experience , England study and British citizenship , and exile in the postcolonial countries help Naipaul to shape his complex cultural identity .

  16. 尽管葡萄牙等殖民国家对远东教务的开拓和发展做出了巨大的贡献,但它们始终把世俗利益放在首位。

    Although the colonized countries like Portugal made a great contribution on expanding and development of missionary administration in Far East , they after all put common customs interests in the first place .

  17. 与其它几个主要殖民国家相比,近代法国对华经济贸易的份额明显少于英、美、日、俄等国,甚至逊于德国。

    Compared with other main colonial countries , Frances share in the trade with China was obviously less than Britain , America , Japan , Russia , even than Germany in modern times .

  18. 一方面,两个殖民国家的交替统治使得青岛境内先后出现了多份由殖民国所创办的报纸,包括外文报纸和中文报纸。

    On the one hand , alternating the two colonial powers have emerged within the ruling makes Qingdao a number of States were founded by the colonial newspapers , including foreign language newspapers and Chinese newspapers .

  19. 教皇授予葡萄牙、西班牙等殖民国家远东保教权是希望能借助它们的经济、军事力量发展远东地区的教务,实现天主教的海外兴盛。

    The papacy conferring the Far East Patronage to Portugal and Spain and other colonized countries is intending to realize Catholicism on the up grading in overseas with their economic and military power to develop the missionary administration in Far East .

  20. 而混合性是殖民国家的特点之一:其国民是由早期殖民者和当地土著居民以及他们的后代组成,其历史也包括殖民历史和土著居民自身的历史。

    Hybridity is one of the features of colonized countries : their people consist of the Aborigines , the colonists and their descendants ; their national history is hybrid because it contains the history of colonists and the history of the Aborigines .

  21. 在北非的一些前法属殖民地国家,反法情绪日益增长。

    In France 's former North African colonies , anti-French feeling is growing

  22. 旧中国是一个半封建半殖民地国家。

    Old China was a semifeudal and semicolonial country .

  23. 洛美协定规定:做为互惠,这些以前的殖民地国家给予共同体国家以最惠国(MFN)的待遇。

    Lome Agreement commits the former colonies to reciprocate to the EEC nations by granting them most favored nation ( MFN ) treatment .

  24. 或许有250m-350m人用或者能用英语作为第二语言。特别是在前殖民地国家;或是英国人为主的国家,像30m的美国新移民;或者是加拿大的6m讲法语的魁北克人。

    Maybe 250m-350m do or can use it as a second language ; in ex-colonial countries , notably , or in English-majority ones , like 30m recent immigrants to the United States , or Canada 's 6m francophone Quebeckers .

  25. 给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言

    Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples

  26. 旧中国是一个被帝国主义所控制的半殖民地国家。

    Old China was a semi-colonial country under imperialist domination .

  27. 帝国主义者掠夺和剥削殖民地国家的人民。

    The imperialists plunder and exploit the people of the colonial countries .

  28. 援助殖民地国家和人民信托基金

    Trust Fund for Assistance to Colonial Countries and Peoples

  29. 这样的政策也就为殖民地国家带来了很大的影响。

    But whatever policy carried out in Philippines the colonist result was same .

  30. 在原殖民地国家中,也需要许多有这种技术的人去接替那些大批离去的外国人。

    In former colonial countries many people with such skills also needed to replace departing expatriates .