
  • 网络colonial system
  1. 东亚朝贡体系的文化内涵&与西方殖民体系的比较

    Cultural Connotation of the Tributary System of East Asia & Compared with Western Colonial System

  2. 第六,社会主义国家的建立与发展,使得持续了几百年的帝国主义殖民体系土崩瓦解。

    Sixthly , the foundation and development of the socialist state make the imperialistic colonial system that last centuries disintegrate .

  3. 联合国粮农组织(FoodandAgricultureOrganisation)今年发出警告,一些国家在获取海外农田方面进行的角逐,存在造就一个新殖民体系的风险。

    The United Nations ' Food and Agriculture Organisation warned this year that the race by some countries to secure farmland overseas risked creating a neo-colonial system .

  4. 垄断资本主义进入国家垄断资本主义阶段后,殖民体系彻底瓦解。

    At the stage of the general monopolistic capitalism , colonialism was the lifeline of capitalism .

  5. 而旧的殖民体系逐步瓦解后,双方的关系格局发生了极为显著的变化。

    However , the bilateral relationship has changed remarkably after the collapse of the old colonialism system .

  6. 从50年代到70年代殖民体系瓦解前,中国的第三世界政策以支援民族解放运动为主要内容。

    From 1950s to 1970s , the main content of Chinese third world policy was to support the national liberation movements .

  7. 试析发展中国家与垄断资本主义发展的三个阶段&兼论殖民体系瓦解的经济根源

    An Analysis of Developing Countries and Three Developmental Stages of Monopolistic Capitalism & With Comments on Economic Causes for Collapse of Colonial System

  8. 在帝国主义殖民体系崩溃以后,其经济殖民活动并未歇止,一直延续至今。

    In 1960 , though the imperialism colonizing system collapsed , its economy colonizing activity did not stop , and always continues up to now .

  9. 殖民体系的扩大,特别是在十九世纪末期的扩大,被激进经济学家看作是国内剥削在世界范围的符合逻辑的延伸。

    The extension of the colonial system , especially during the late nineteenth century , is seen by radical economists as the logical expansion of local exploitation to world dimensions .

  10. 它不是东北地区经济自然发展的结果,而是西方列强通过商品入侵和资本入侵,强行把东北纳入了资本主义殖民体系之后的被动反应。

    It is not a result from natural development of the local economy , but the reaction to the Western powers'capital and commodity invasion , which forced the Northeast region into a capitalist colonial system .

  11. 殖民体系的瓦解并没有摧毁资本主义生存和发展的生命线,其深刻的经济根源在于殖民体系的瓦解是垄断资本扩张和发展的需要。

    The collapse of colonial system at the stage of state monopoly did not damage the lifeline , for there were economic needs for its collapse as this allowed room for expansion and further development of monopolistic capitalism .

  12. 迄今为止,它大体上经过了三个阶段:第一阶段是从资本主义开创大工业到19世纪末20世纪初殖民体系的形成。

    It passes three stages . The first one is from the start of mass production of capitalism to the forming of the colonial system between the last stage of the 19th century and the early stage of the 20th century .

  13. 日寇对华北地区的经济侵略首先是从建立殖民经济体系开始,内容涉及工业、农业两个大的方面。

    The invasion of North China began with the establishment of colonial economic system , involving industry and agriculture .

  14. 在这一历史活动中,中国人和欧洲人分别采取了建立朝贡体系和建立殖民地体系两种对外关系模式。

    Moreover , during those historical expeditions , Chinese and Europeans adopted different modes of diplomacy which are tributary system and colonial system , respectively .

  15. 马拉西亚的政府体系类似于议会政治,这也是传承英国殖民时的体系。

    The system of government in Malaysia is closely modelled on that of Westminster , a legacy of British colonial rule .

  16. 在经济上实行统制政策,运用军事政治手段在东北强行建立为日本掠夺战争资源服务的殖民地区域经济体系。

    It carried out the policy of economic control and established the colonial regional economic system serving Japanese plundering war resources by means of military affairs and administration .

  17. 两个世纪以后,英国人在欧洲大陆的巡回旅行中发现了原始的建筑风格,从而使之复兴。后来这种新的复古风格被灌输进了美洲殖民地的建筑体系中。

    Two centuries later , that reinvention was itself revived by Englishmen who saw the originals on the Grand Tour , and implanted this new-old form in the American colonies .

  18. 在9.18事变以后采取废除朝鲜族私立学校及修改教育内容等强硬措施,从而构建了比较完整的殖民地奴化教育体系。

    After the incident , they take hard-line actions to close down Korean private schools and revise the content of education , so that they can establish a set of complete enslavement educational system in their colonies .