
  • 网络protector;Lord Protector;Lord Protector of England
  1. 奥利弗·克伦威尔成为英国护国公,统治4年之。

    1653 Oliver Cromwell became Lord Protector of England-ruling for over 4 years .

  2. 神父开始念咒语希望能够去除这个伤口,然而这个标志还是深深刻在了护国公的手臂上。

    The Priest began an incantation to cleanse the wound but the symbol remained engraved in the arm of the Lord Protector .

  3. 为了让护国公Somerset公爵相信自己的清白,

    to persuade Lord Protector , Somerset , that she was innocent .

  4. 它是由奥利弗·克伦威尔颁布的,自称的英格兰的护国公。

    It was brought to existence by Oliver Cromwell , self proclaimed Lord Protector of England .

  5. 1658年奥利弗克伦威尔去世,他的儿子理查德继任护国公,政权立即开始瓦解。

    When Oliver Cromwell died in 1658 and was succeeded by his son , Richard , the regime began to collapse .

  6. 英国在护国公以后向斯图亚特家族提出的要求是这个;

    This is what England demanded of the Stuarts after the Protector ; this is what France demanded of the Bourbons after the Empire .

  7. 神父打开前门立刻看见这名叫做维克托的男孩子站在他的面前,这个男孩子是护国公莱昂纳斯。克劳利的小侍从。

    The Priest opened the front door and immediately recognized the boy standing before him as Victor , Page to the Lord Protector , Leonus Crowley .

  8. 莱昂纳斯成长为一个乐善好施的光明圣斗士并不是意外,他最终成为了暴风城的护国公。

    It was no coincidence , then , that because of Ardan , Leonus would grow into the prodigal Paladin of Light , and eventually , a Lord Protector of Stormwind .