
hù lǐ yī shēnɡ
  • doctor in attendance
  1. 这项研究关注电脑辅助认知行为治疗,发现在治疗抑郁症方面,电脑辅助的认知行为治疗并不比病人们从个初级护理医生那里得到的普通的治疗更有效。

    The study looked at computer-assisted cognitive behavioral therapy ( CBT ) and found that it was no more effective in treating depression than the usual care patients receive from a primary care doctor .

  2. 研究显示,只需同基础保健护理医生探讨5分钟,就能让那些饮酒量较大的人员把饮酒量减低25%。

    Studies show that just five minutes of discussion with a primary-care doctor can reduce heavy drinking by25 % .

  3. 你就可以随之咨询你的基础护理医生评估你的整体心脏病风险并迅速开始采取相应的适应预防措施。

    You can then follow up with your primary care doctor to evaluate your overall cardiac risk and quickly start appropriate prevention strategies .

  4. 最重要的是,因为健康护理医生少花时间让患者吃药,他们能把时间和资源有效地用在照顾患者上。

    Most importantly , because healthcare practitioners spend less time struggling with patients to ingest medicine , they can use time and resources efficiently to care for more patients .

  5. 正如很多医院和健康护理医生所知,药品的苦味对于患者的顺从性可有负面影响,而且会增加接受治疗计划的儿童患者的紧张情绪。

    As many hospitals and healthcare practitioners know , the bitter taste of medications can have a negative impact on compliance , and add significant strain to treatment programs for pediatric patients .

  6. 除了改善患者的健康之外,使用基于Internet的软件产品的持续护理对医生、雇主和保险公司都有好处。

    In addition to improving patient health , continuous care using Internet-based software products benefits physicians , employers , and insurers .

  7. 我一生中最敬佩的是那些向受援者提供医疗护理的医生和其他人。

    What I admire most in my life is doctors and others supplying medical care to assistance recipients .

  8. 还包括一些不常见的东西,比如一位参战老兵捐赠的一段假肢,当年他与护理他的医生坠入爱河。

    Bbut also includes unusual exhibits such as a prosthetic leg donated by a war veteran who fell in love with his physiotherapist .

  9. 负责护理他的医生表示,他们相信冷却疗法至少对他的康复起了一定的作用。

    But the doctors involved with his care have said they believe the cooling treatment is at least partly responsible for his progress .

  10. 和护理人员,医生,律师,

    the caregivers , the doctors , the lawyers ,

  11. 现在,塞内加尔一名早产儿护理专业的医生领导一个由卫生部和联合国儿童基金会资助的项目。

    Now , a doctor in Senegal who specializes in newborn care is leading a program by the Ministry of Health and UNICEF .

  12. 不同于计划护理,首席医生们在这个系统里扮演着从守门人到专家的角色,目标不是管理护理而是管理成本。

    It is unlike managed care , in which primary doctors act as gatekeepers to specialists and the overriding goal is not managing care but managing costs .

  13. 找一些可以捐出杂志的地方,如儿童护理中心、医生办公室、美甲沙龙、育婴房和图书馆等。

    Find places where you can donate your magazines to such as child care centers , doctor 's offices , nail salons , nursing homes , and libraries .

  14. 新发的成年有糖尿病人应评估和治疗饮食失调行为和情感障碍,并转诊给熟悉糖尿病的护理的心理医生。

    Emerging adults with diabetes should be assessed and treated for disordered eating behaviors and affective disorders , with referral as needed to a mental health provider familiar with diabetes care .

  15. 5月22日,国家卫健委向两省派出由外科医生、重症护理专家以及心理医生等组成的医疗卫生组。

    The National Health Commission on Saturday dispatched medical teams , consisting of surgeons , critical-care experts , and psychologists , to the two regions .

  16. 经过相应的护理指导以及配合医生的药物治疗,均取得了满意的疗效。

    After the corresponding nursing guide and drug treatment , they all acquired satisfactory curative effect .

  17. 我就与部分治疗和护理埃博拉患者的医生和护士见过面,并与他们拥抱过。

    I 've met and hugged some of the doctors and nurses who 've treated Ebola patients .

  18. 结论甲状腺局部免疫调节治疗中护理人员应与医生密切配合。

    Conclusions The key point of local immune regulation therapy for patients with thyroid disease is cooperation between doctors and nurses .

  19. 他们的婴儿还在医院的新生儿护理室里,医生希望他完全康复。

    Their bady is still in the hospital 's neonatal unit but the doctors expect him to make a complete recovery .

  20. 我们相信训练基础护理提供者、一般医生、一般护士、医疗助理以及卫生工作人员,是正确的方向。

    We believe that training primary care providers , general doctors , general nurses , medical assistants as well as health workers will be the right way to go .

  21. 远程医疗会诊在医学专家和病人之间建立起全新的联系,使病人在原地、原医院即可接受远地专家的会诊及其指导下的治疗与护理,从而节约医生和病人大量时间和金钱。

    Remote Medical Consultation between patients and medical experts set up new contacts so that the patients in home or in local hospital can be diagnosed and be treated under the guidance of experts faraway .

  22. 方法:选择两组情商高低不同的护士长,5年来对所分管病区护士的心理压力、工作积极性、护理差错事故、患者满意度、护理质控成绩、医生满意度、护士继续教育情况进行比较。

    Method : Choose 2 groups of head nurses with different emotion quotient and compare their working states .