
  1. 占医疗支出大头的是住院费、诊疗费、护理费等。

    The big areas of spending in health care are hospitalization , physicians , nursing care .

  2. 结果(1)脑卒中患者总费用80%用在药费、护理费和床位费。

    Results ( 1 ) Eighty percent of the total cost was attributed to medications , bed and nursing charges .

  3. 阶段性病房患者住院时间、治疗费、护理费及合计费用均低于常规病房患者,且具有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    Duration of hospital stay was shorter and hospitalization cost was lower in the course-ward nursing group as compared with the normal-ward group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  4. 但我的研究显示,这些女性通常支付不起所有的护理费,一般都会分期偿还,或以实物支付。

    But my research has shown that these women usually do not have all the money they need to pay a nurse and will typically repay it over time , or with goods-in-kind .

  5. 2009年通过的《侵权责任法》第十六条规定:侵害他人造成人身损害的,应当赔偿医疗费、护理费、交通费等为治疗和康复支出的合理费用,以及因误工减少的收入。

    According to the Article sixteen of the " Tort Liability Law ": infringement caused personal injury , the reasonable expenses shall pay the medical fees , nursing fees , transportation fees and expenses for treatment and rehabilitation , as well as the lost wages .

  6. 2003年~2009年乌鲁木齐市住院精神病人逐年增加,七年间平均增长速度为14.92%;精神疾病住院患者平均额外护理费和医药费由2003年的1400元左右增加到2009年的2200元左右。

    From 2003 to 2009 , the population of mental patients in hospital increased every year , average growth rate was 14.92 % in seven years . The cost of additional care and psychiatric medication was 1400 Yuan in 2003 ; and 2200 Yuan in 2009 .