
  • 网络The Legend of Condor Hero;Condor Hero;The Return Of The Condor Heroes
  1. 当地年轻人说,他们就是现代神雕侠侣。

    " Local young people say they are modern " evil .

  2. 他们,完全是现实版的神雕侠侣。

    They totally realistic version of the Condor Heroes .

  3. 金庸笔下的性别乌托邦&论《神雕侠侣》中的两性世界

    Sex Utopia in the Works of Jin Yong : The Two-sex World in Shen-Diao Xia-Lv

  4. 《神雕侠侣》提出了为国为民,侠之大者的著名观点,传达了儒家入世的侠义精神。

    In Giant Eagle and Its Companion , chivalrous spirit of making contributions to the motherland and the people is put forward from the angle of Confucianism .

  5. 通过分析《神雕侠侣》中黄蓉、郭芙的情感生活,试图揭示男权意识影响下的女性命运。

    Through analyzing the emotional life of Huang Rong and Guo Fu , the two heroines in the novel The Legendary Heroes , this article is an intended exposure of the female fates under masculine influence .