
  • 网络Neuroscience;systems neuroscience
  1. 加拿大蒙特利尔大学(UniversityofMontreal)梦境与梦魇研究实验室(DreamandNightmareLaboratory)主任、梦境神经系统科学研究员托雷·尼尔森(ToreNielsen)推测,人在走到生命尽头时,用做梦宣泄情感的需求变得越发迫切。

    Tore Nielsen , a dream neuroscience researcher and director of the Dream and Nightmare Laboratory , at the University of Montreal , surmised that at the end of life , such a need becomes more insistent .

  2. 很高兴可以在Healthland作为一个博客使用者开始我的“新学期”&比提高学习能力的说法更有效的学习方法是使用神经系统科学。

    I 'm excited to be starting my " new school year " as a blogger here on Healthland & and what better way to begin than with news about boosting your ability to learn , using neuroscience !

  3. 今年年初,这个搜索引擎巨头收购了DeepMind公司,后者是伦敦的一家以神经系统科学为基础的人工智能公司。这两家公司建立了一个人工智能安全伦理委员会,旨在保证这些技术安全发展。

    Earlier this year when the search-engine giant acquired DeepMind , a neuroscience-inspired , artificial intelligence company based in London , the two companies put together an artificial intelligence safety and ethics board that aims to ensure these technologies are developed safely .

  4. 他的母亲拥有神经系统科学博士头衔。他的父亲是一位软件工程师。

    His mother has a doctorate in neuroscience ; his father is a software engineer .

  5. 癫痫发作的预测是近年来在临床医学和神经系统科学研究领域中备受关注的问题。

    Seizure prediction is a topic of great interest in the clinical and basic neuroscience communities .

  6. 首先让我们以神经系统科学的最新研究成果作为讨论背景。

    First let us situate this discussion in the context of the recent achievements of neuroscience .

  7. 他是神经系统科学专业的博士生,也尝试过不少迷幻剂。

    He was a doctoral student in neuroscience who had experimented with his fair share of acid .

  8. 他母亲是神经系统科学方面的博士,他父亲是一位软件工程师。

    His mother has a doctorate in Nural Science ( neuroscience ); his father is a software engineer .

  9. 该实验以老年鼠为试验对象,日前已刊登于《神经系统科学期刊》。

    The experiment , which was based on older mice , was published in the Journal of Neuroscience .

  10. 随着神经系统科学的到来,梦的价值以及其临床的作用已经重新成为关注的前沿。

    With the arrival of neuroscience , the value of dreaming and its clinical value has come back to the foreground .

  11. 人工智能、心理学、语言学、哲学、人类学、神经系统科学和教育学都是其重要的组成部分。

    It includes as contributing disciplines : artificial intelligence , psychology , linguistics , philosophy , anthropology , neuroscience , and education .

  12. 研究人员在发表于《神经系统科学》期刊的研究报告中称,研究显示,遗传可大大超出传统基因理论的范围。

    The study shows that inheritance can go far beyond the classic genetic theories , researchers report in The Journal of Neuroscience .

  13. 神经系统科学表明,位于我们大脑中央位置的爬行动物脑,

    There is evidence from neuroscience , the reptilian part of our brain , which sits in the center of our brain ,

  14. 今天,人们流行用一些神经系统科学知识来支持大多数的人类行为理论,而沃尔夫女士也有所贡献。

    The fashion today is to shore up most theories of human behaviour with a bit of neuroscience , and MS wolf obliges .

  15. 同步是复杂网络研究的一个重要方向,对哺乳动物大脑的动力学探索是现代神经系统科学的目标。

    Synchronization is an important direction of the complex network research , the research on dynamics of mammalian brain is the goal of modern neuroscience .

  16. 近年来,越来越多的认知心理学和神经系统科学方面的研究成果表明,情感与形象思维之间存在着密不可分的联系;

    In recent years , more and more science research results from cognitive psychology and neuroscience shows that affection is closely linked with image thinking .

  17. 神经系统科学学会:从事于脑部发育、感知、学习与记忆、运动、睡眠、压力、衰老,以及神经学和精神病学上的疾病的研究。

    The Society for Neuroscience addresses the study of brain development , sensation and perception , learning and memory , movement , sleep , stress , aging and neurological and psychiatric disorders .

  18. 本文基于神经系统科学有关特征的研究成果,对空间特征的定义及其在高空间分辨率遥感影像目标识别与分类中的应用进行了研究。

    Based on the research results of feature by neuroscience , this paper discusses the definition of spatial feature and its applications on targets recognition and classification in remote sensing images of high spatial resolution .

  19. 可恩是弗吉尼亚大学神经系统科学硕士项目和心理学系的副教授,他所负责的研究小组对几对婚姻很美满的夫妇进行了一项研究。

    Coan , an assistant professor in the U.Va . Neuroscience Graduate Program and the Department of Psychology , and his team conducted a study involving several couples who rated themselves as highly satisfied with their marriages .

  20. 和太空计划一样,伊茨科夫把“2045行动”视为技术和经济发展的引擎,将推动神经系统科学、机器人技术、人工智能甚至灵学的进步。

    And , as with the space program , itskov sees the 2045 initiative as an engine for technological and economic development , one that will drive discovery in neuroscience , robotics , artificial intelligence & even spirituality .

  21. 从对不同空间模型的对比与分析入手,结合空间认知行为、神经系统科学和认知心理学的有关研究成果,对空间认知模式进行了研究。

    Began with analysis and comparison of different models of space , and combined with the relative results researched by spatial cognitive behaviors , neuroscience , and cognitive psychology , the spatial cognitive mode is studied in this paper .

  22. 这位俄罗斯大富豪将在今年6月的一次活动上正式宣布成立一家新的公司实体,为投资者提供机会,资助神经系统科学和人类意识的研究,最终把人的意识移植到机器人身上,从而无限期延长人类寿命。

    A new corporate entity that the Russian multi-millionaire will formally announce at an event in June will allow investors to bankroll research into neuroscience and human consciousness with the ultimate goal of transferring human minds into robots , extending human life indefinitely .

  23. 安大略省汉密尔顿市麦克马斯特大学研究心理学、神经系统科学和行为学的劳雷尔·特芮娜教授说:这项研究告诉我们,是否上音乐课会对大脑的发育产生不同影响。

    ( The research ) tells us that if you take music lessons your brain is getting wired up differently than if you don 't take music lessons , Laurel Trainor , professor of psychology , neuroscience and behavior at McMaster University in Hamilton , Ontario , said .