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  1. 门楚援引玛雅神学目的论中的话说,我们正处在黎明前的黑夜。

    She invokes Mayan teleology , saying we are in a dark period before sunrise .

  2. 所以,董仲舒天人感应思想不是神学目的论,而是自然、人类和谐发展论。

    Therefore Dong Zhongshu 's thinking of human and nature induction is not divinity teleology , but the theory of harmony of nature and man .

  3. 王充对天人感应的神学目的论进行了有力的揭露和批判,指出天是一种物质实体,没有意志和情感,天是自然之天。

    Wang Chong analyzed and vigorously attacked what the theological teleologists claimed as the interaction between Heaven and humanity . Heaven , he claimed , is natural so that it is not will-driven and emotional .

  4. 但自近现代以来,生物多样性遭受了巨大破坏,正以前所未有的速度丧失。西方古希腊自然目的论、基督教的神学目的论以及机械原子论自然观等,是造成这种丧失的根源。

    However , in the recent centuries biodiversity has suffered great damages and living species are disappearing at unprecedented speed , which is fundamentally caused by traditional Western ideas , such as the natural teleology of ancient Greece , divine teleology of Christianity and the mechanistic and atomistic natural philosophy .