
  1. 因而,这一篇篇神女赋,不仅是一幅幅浓妆淡抹的仕女画,更是一幕幕或端庄素雅或矫捷多姿的飞天舞。

    Therefore , the Fairy Fu are not only the pictures of ladies , but elegant or agile range of flying dance .

  2. 神女赋是一类以人(男性)神(女性)相恋为内容,以儒家伦理观念和进取精神为思想内核的赋体文学作品。

    Fairy Fu is class with people ( male ) god ( female ) for content , to love the Confucian ethics and enterprising spirit of thought core Fu literature .

  3. 与闲情赋不同,神女赋在思想上不是简单的停留在申说儒家礼防这个层面,而是往更深处开掘,神女赋的深层内涵是表现士不遇的悲愤和建功无望的苦闷。

    Different from Leisure Fu in ideology , prostitution is not simply stay on this level prevention said rash in Confucian ritual , but to dig deeper , the deep connotation of Fairy Fu is the indignation and the anguish of " building a solid hopeless " .