
  • 网络Neuroeconomics;neuronal economics;Neural Economics;neuro-economics
  1. 对这种行为的解释,最前沿的研究是神经元经济学,限于实验条件的有限,对此只进行简单的综述。

    On the interpretation of such acts , the most cutting-edge research is the neuron economics , limited by experimental condition , there just have a simple summary .

  2. 本文对ANN的特点、有效性及局限性结合经济学应用进行了分析,认为人工神经元网络为经济学研究提供了强有力的分析工具,在不久的将来会成为经济学研究的重要领域。

    Making analysis of ANN 's characteristics , efficiency , and limitations in view of its economic applications , the article holds that ANN provides a powerful tool for economics researches , and it will become an important field of economic researches in the near future .