
  • 网络French Ministry of Foreign Affairs;French Foreign Ministry;Quai d'Orsay
  1. 到儿童基金会之前,他曾作为医生在巴黎的医院供职,并在20世纪70年代后期在尼泊尔加德满都为法国外交部服务。

    Prior to joining unicef , he had served as a medical doctor in hospitals in Paris and in the late1970s with the French Ministry of foreign affairs in kathmandu , nepal .

  2. N法国外交部说,由于伊拉克的领袖拒绝和联合国合作,结果造成这个令人痛惜的下场。

    French Foreign Ministry said the regretful situation had resulted from Iraqi leader 's refusal for cooperation with the U.

  3. 一次,他出席了法国外交部举行的宴会。

    Once he attended a dinner given by the French Foreign Ministry .

  4. 在督政府时期,以较新的外交理念促成法国外交部的改革;

    During the period of Le directoire , he reformed the Foreign Ministry of France .

  5. 我已经同法国外交部部长阿兰·朱佩商议过会议安排问题,毕竟这是由两国共同主持的会议。

    I 've been discussing the arrangements for that with the French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe since the two nations will chair it together .

  6. 所有这些还不足以让中国某些人满意,法国外交部本周表示,北京的官方旅游机构向各旅行社发出指示,要求它们今夏不安排前往法国的旅游团。

    All of which was not enough for some people in China – the French foreign ministry said this week that the official tourism body in Beijing had instructed travel agents not to book packages to France this summer .

  7. 昨天深夜,法国大使被外交部召见讨论这场危机。

    Late last night , the French ambassador was summoned to the foreign office to discuss the crisis .

  8. 法国总统希拉克对遇难者及其家属表示哀悼,并说将会妥善处理善后事宜。法国外交部已经成立了应急小组并开通了查询电话。

    In a statement , French President Jacques Chirac expressed his condolences and profound compassion to the families of the victims and to those close to them in the name of all French people .

  9. 她丈夫,法国籍,在社交软件上名为MariaudRomain,以前在法国驻中国大使馆工作,现在是法国外交部和国际发展部的官员。

    Her husband , a French citizen , was identified on his LinkedIn page as Mariaud Romain , a former employee of the French embassy in Beijing and a current official at France 's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development .