
  1. 十八世纪法国唯物主义

    French materialism in the 18th century

  2. 物质与意识的关系问题则不然,它只是在近代才由法国唯物主义者明确提出的。

    The relation between material and consciousness is not so . It was explicitly advanced by French materialists only at modern times .

  3. 他的思想对康德、黑格尔哲学,甚至对法国唯物主义、现代西方哲学、宗教神学都产生了深刻影响。

    His ideas of Kant , Hegel , and even the French materialism of modern western philosophy , religion , theology have had a profound effect .

  4. 从伦理学史上讲,是古希腊快乐论、近代英国经验论和18世纪法国唯物主义等思想发展的逻辑结论。

    In terms of the history of moral science , it was the logic development of hedonism of ancient Greek , modern Britain experientialism and french materialism of the 18th century .

  5. 德国古典哲学以其深刻的思辨和晦涩的语言而著称,与前此的英国经验论、大陆唯理论以及18世纪法国唯物主义哲学形成了鲜明的对照。

    Classical German philosophy is notable for its speculative and obscure nature in stark contrast with preceding British empiricism , continental rationalism and French materialism in the 18 ~ ( th ) century .

  6. 法国唯物主义和空想社会主义批判则是马克思从价值层面揭示了现代性社会的必然走向,在这里,马克思提出了实践的人道主义来超越现代世界和启蒙的抽象的人道主义和抽象的自然主义。

    The critique of French materialism and utopian socialist reveals the inevitable trend of modern society in the level of value , where Marx proposed " practical humanitarianism " to transcend the modern world and beyond the abstract humanitarian and the abstract naturalism of Enlightenment .