
  • 网络frankfurter;frankfurt;Wieners;red-hot
  1. 以烧烤的法兰克福香肠为主要食物的野外烹饮。

    A cookout where roasted frankfurters are the main course .

  2. 小的法兰克福香肠,用饼干面团卷住,然后烘焙。

    Small frankfurters wrapped in biscuit dough and baked .

  3. OscarMayer回收9.6万磅法兰克福香肠,原因是这些香肠含有奶酪。

    Oscar Mayer is recalling 96 thousand pounds of wieners because they contain cheese .

  4. 短细的、两头砍掉的法兰克福香肠。

    Short slender frankfurter usually with ends cut off .

  5. 夹有热的法兰克福香肠的小圆面包。

    A frankfurter served hot on a bun .

  6. 在20世纪10年代,美国人把德国法兰克福香肠浸透了墨西哥红辣椒,做成了辣椒热狗。

    In the 1910s , Americans drenched German frankfurters with Mexican chili to make chili dogs .

  7. 一块面包、根法兰克福香肠外加两杯可乐。快点,老家伙!

    Two Frankfurter with bread and two Coke . Come on , get going , old man !

  8. 适用于低脂法兰克福香肠的淀粉

    Starches for reduced-fat frankfurters

  9. 例如:传统的美国人最爱,热狗或法兰克福香肠,在德国有了它的最新开始。

    For example , that traditional American favorite , the hot dog or wiener , had its modern beginning in Germany .

  10. 不过存在着一个共识,那就是人们每天吃的香肠、法兰克福香肠和热狗都是源于人们保存肉类的愿望。

    There is an agreement , however , that the sausages , frankfurters , and hot dogs that people eat on a daily basis originated from a desire to preserve meat .