
  • 网络Rule of law
  1. 因此,搞好城市建设,促进城中村村民向市民的转变,必须促进其法治观念的加强。

    Therefore , improve urban construction , promote the transformation for town people , the need to promote the strengthening of the rule of law .

  2. 西方的法治观念源远流长,但西方法治观念的形成及其最终发展成为一种沿袭至今的传统却并非一帆风顺。

    The rule of law in the West a long history of development of the concept of Western rule of law in its final form as a kind of follow the tradition so far has not been without difficulties .

  3. 西部生态环境建设与法治观念

    The Construction of Ecological Environment in Western Regions and the Law Awareness

  4. 农民法治观念的误区及其引导

    Peasants ' Wrong Conception on Legal Ideas and the Guidance

  5. 增强人们的法治观念,能避免和减轻金融风险;

    Strengthening public notion of law can avoid and lighten financial risks ;

  6. 它强调要加强法制教育,培养人们的法治观念;

    It emphasize on cultivating law attitude of people .

  7. 我国传统上程序法治观念的淡薄,带来了行政程序立法上的滞后。

    The weakness of Chinese traditional procedural law delayed the legislation of administrative procedure .

  8. 加强宣传教育,增强法治观念。

    Strengthening education to raise law sense .

  9. 新形势下四川藏区城镇妇女婚姻家庭法治观念的调查与思考

    A Survey of Legal Concept of Women and Family in the Towns of Sichuan Province

  10. 法律教育与法治观念

    Law Education and Law Ruling Concept

  11. 依法执政,党本身要坚持在宪法和法律的范围内活动,全党同志都要牢固树立社会主义法治观念。

    All members of the CPC should firmly establish the idea of socialistic ruling by law .

  12. 通过对不平等刑法制度存续原因的分析,可以为树立现代新型法治观念提供借鉴。

    Through the analysis of these aspects , we can erect a new thought of law .

  13. 自然法是西方法治观念重要的思想泉源。

    Natural law is an important ideological source of the western ideas of rule of law .

  14. 不同的法治观念和利益追求决定了是否采信不可变更力。

    Different ideas of ruling by law and pursuit of interests determine the credibility of unalterable force .

  15. 它的内容涉及到立法、执法、法治观念的培育等各个方面。

    Its contents touch on many aspects such as legislation , executing the law and law attitude cultivation .

  16. 仅从增长法律知识这一层面来开展法制教育是不够的,还要将其上升为公民法治观念、法律信仰的培育。

    Texts of legal system education conclude that increasing law knowledge and fostering the mind of rule of law .

  17. 法律知识的普及和法治观念的培养是建设社会主义法治国家的一项基础工程。

    Popularizing law knowledge and cultivating awareness of law is a basic project to build up socialism legal country .

  18. 地方决策-执行体制过于行政化,地方决策执行前各方参与度不高,地方对决策-执行体制改革的主动法治观念也不强。

    The local decision-making-enforcing mechanism is too administration-oriented and the participating awareness of various parties in decision-making-enforcing is weak .

  19. 随着近代民族国家出现和法治观念的建立,西方形成了一种客观主义的法律解释传统。

    With the appearance and foundation of the modern nation-state , the western form a tradition of objectivism legal interpretation .

  20. 摆脱困境的主要对策是强化法治观念,依法处置涉外刑事案件;

    The major solution to getting out of the dilemma is to intensify legal ideology and dispose the case concerning foreign affairs ;

  21. 环境法制观念是法治观念、守法观念、权利观念的统一。

    The concept of legal system for environment is the unification of being ruled by law , keeping the law and the concept of right .

  22. 然而,我国却由于历史原因和传统法治观念的原因,导致律师在场权这一制度处于空白地带。

    Nevertheless , due to historical reason and traditional perception of the rule of law in China , we have no such system in place .

  23. 我国《物权法》规定了登记物权的善意取得,这有利于促使行政法治观念的转变。

    Chinese Property Law provides the registered property acquired in good faith , which is conducive to the concept changes of rule of executive law .

  24. 以普及法律知识为主的传统教育已不适合时代需要,现代法律教育应以培养人们的法治观念为重点;

    The traditional education based on popularizing legal knowledge is out of date . Modern law education should concentrate on cultivating people ' law ruling concept .

  25. 法治观念的增强以及婚姻法律的健全,也推动夫妻忠实协议的产生。

    Furthermore , the enhancement of law concept and the integrity of marriage law also promote the production of the loyal agreement of husband and wife .

  26. 现代法治观念在强调制约公共权力的同时,更加注重市民社会与国家之间的良性互动关系。

    Except for restricting public power , the modern idea of rule of law pays more attention to the cooperative relationship between state and civil society .

  27. 随着法治观念的深入人心,越来越多的人选择用诉讼的方式解决民事纠纷。

    With the rule of law sink deep into the hearts of the people , more and more people choose to use litigation to resolve civil disputes .

  28. 完善的法律体系需要理念的支撑,市场竞争主体树立和深化法治观念对市场竞争秩序的维护尤其重要。

    The improved law system needs conception support , the body builds and deepen the conception , and it is important to maintain the market competition orders .

  29. 大学生法律意识现代化的内容包括法治观念、权利观念、契约意识、尚法意识、平等意识等。大学生法律意识现代化的培养途径有学校教育、家庭影响、法学研究育、大众传播媒介和司法实践等。

    The contents of cultivation of college students law consciousness modernization are the law idea , right idea , contractual consciousness and equal consciousness and so on .

  30. 中国合同法在这个背景下必须完成与国际的接轨,才能更好地促进交易规则的全球化和经济社会法治观念的全球化。

    Chinese contract law must correspond to the international society in order to realize the globalization of the transaction rules and the legal sense in the economic activities .