
  • 网络Punic War;The Punic Wars
  1. 迦太基人不可避免的受到了罗马人的进攻。很快,他们之间爆发了一系列的战争,历史上称之为布匿战争(thePunicWars)。

    The Carthaginians inevitably encountered the Romans , and soon after that a series of battles known as the Punic Wars took place .

  2. 西元前第3世纪,与罗马人展开布匿战争。

    In the3rd century BC it fought the Punic Wars with Rome .

  3. 他可能是整个第二次布匿战争中最被低估的一个人。

    Possibly one of the most Underestimated men in the Whole war between Rome and Carthage .

  4. 战略、制度和文化的较量&第二次布匿战争中的罗马与迦太基

    A Contest in Strategy , Polity , and Culture : Rome and Carthage during the Second Punic War

  5. 经过三次布匿战争,罗马彻底打败迦太基,成为地中海无与伦比的强国。

    Through the three Punic Wars , Rome defeated Carthage and became an unparalleled strong county in the Mediterranean .

  6. 在第二次布匿战争时,各氏族都联合起来,赎回他们的被俘的同氏族人;

    At the time of the second Punic war the gentes joined together to ransom their members who had been taken prisoner ;

  7. 但是,即使早在布匿战争时代,公民意识已经开始因为财富的增长和奴隶制发展而受到损害。

    But even as early as the Punic Wars the sense of citizenship was being undermined by the growth of wealth and slavery .

  8. 在第二次布匿战争中,汉尼拔在意大利征战十余年未尝败绩,并屡胜强敌。

    In the Second Punic War , Hannibal went on an expedition in Italy for more than ten years and he often won .

  9. 在第二次布匿战争中他率领着实力远不及罗马的迦太基军队,孤军深入意大利半岛。

    In the second Punic War , he led an army whose strength was far less than Roman Carthaginian army alone in-depth into the Roman hinterland of Italy .

  10. 第二次布匿战争之后,罗马传统上自给自足的小农经济在生产管理、经营方式上逐渐被日益发展的大地产取代,奴隶成为社会生产的主要劳动力,商品经济也得到了发展。

    After the Second Punic War , Roman traditional self-sufficiency production was replaced by Latifundium in the management and administerial mode . Slaves become the main workers and commercial economy began to develop .

  11. 这里所说的古罗马后期是指从罗马共和国晚期(大概从第二次布匿战争开始)到西罗马帝国灭亡这段时期。

    The later stage of Rome here refers to the period from the later period of Rome republic ( approximately from the second Punic War ) to the destruction of the Empire Rome .