
shí sì háng shī
  • sonnet
十四行诗 [shí sì háng shī]
  • [sonnet] 欧洲的一种格律严谨的抒情诗体,每首十四行,有好几种格律

十四行诗[shí sì háng shī]
  1. 那首十四行诗中有11行都是废话,毫无意义。

    Of the sonnet eleven of the lines are mere padding and say nothing .

  2. 十四行诗-WilliamShakespeare

    Sonnet 18 - William Shakespeare

  3. 作为一个伟大的诗人,济慈的声誉大部分建立在他写的长诗和后期的十四行诗上

    Keats ' reputation as a great poet rests largely upon the odes and the later sonnets .

  4. 十四行诗第116首-WilliamShakespeare

    Sonnet 116 - William Shakespeare

  5. 他的起他孩子的名字是:Autumn(秋天),Sonnet(十四行诗)andOcean(海洋)。

    His other children are named Autumn , Sonnet and Ocean and yes he explains them too .

  6. 葡萄牙人十四行诗-ElizabethBarrettBrow

    Sonnets From The Portuguese - Elizabeth Barrett Brow

  7. 此URL给出的是一个编辑后的莎士比亚十四行诗的完整plist表示。

    This URL gives you an edited , complete plist representation of Shakespeare 's sonnets .

  8. 我们的iPhone演示应用程序Sonnet的源代码包含在本文后面的下载部分,此应用程序能从我们在APPEngine服务器上的项目拉取所有莎士比亚十四行诗。

    Our iPhone demo application , Sonnet , the source code for which is included in the download for this article , pulls all of Shakespeare 's sonnets from our project on the App Engine servers .

  9. 上面这个代码片段将包含莎士比亚十四行诗的字典的内容转变成一个XMLplist,并将其提供给任何请求此/plists/sonnetsURL的客户机。

    This small code snippit takes the contents of the dictionary containing Shakespeare 's sonnets , converts it to an XML plist , and serves it to any client that requests the / plists / sonnets URL .

  10. 本文展示了使用TouchEngine开源库开发应用程序以便查看莎士比亚的十四行诗。

    This article demonstrates this technique using an open source library called TouchEngine to develop an application to view sonnets by William Shakespeare .

  11. 莎士比亚第31首十四行诗是他诗歌艺术的集中体现。

    Shakespeares sonnet 31 represents the typical artistry of his sonnets .

  12. 它带给了我们十四行诗、歌剧还有各种奏鸣曲;

    It has given us sonnets and plays and entire sonatas ;

  13. 意象是连接思想与情感的桥梁。莎士比亚的十四行诗包含多种意象。

    An image is a bridge to link thoughts and emotions .

  14. 幻象、分化、音律及其翻译&重读莎士比亚第31首十四行诗

    ⅱ Iusion , Disintegration and Sound in Shakespeare s Sonnet 31

  15. 十四行诗与中国新诗体系的历史建构

    Sonnet and the Historical Construction of Chinese System of New Poetry

  16. 《诗经》与《十四行诗集》中爱情诗比较

    The Comparison of Love Lyrics in Shi Jing and Shakespeare 's Sonnet

  17. 我可以背出莎士比亚的十四行诗。

    I 'm able to recite all shakespear 's sonnets .

  18. 老师要求我们背诵莎士比亚的这首十四行诗。

    Our teacher told us to recite this sonnet written by Shakespeare .

  19. 他谈到了十四行诗手稿的流行情况。

    He referred to the manuscript circulation of the sonnets .

  20. 《灯塔行》、〈时光流逝〉、莎士比亚的十四行诗诗选。

    To the lighthouse ," time passes . " selected Shakespeare sonnets .

  21. 他费了二周认真研究十四行诗。

    For two weeks he worked hard at the sonnets .

  22. 十四行诗我了解不多,但我想了一解些。

    I don 't know much about sonnets but I want to .

  23. 彼特拉克的十四行诗风行了整个欧洲大陆,也影响了莎士比亚和他的同时代人。

    Petrarchan sonnets spread throughout Europe and influenced Shakespeare and his contemporaries .

  24. 莎士比亚十四行诗汉译本比较与鉴赏

    Comparison and Appreciation of Chinese Versions of Shakespeare ' Sonnet

  25. 然后,他的十四行诗是英语诗篇中的上佳之作。

    His sonnets , however , belong to the best English poetry .

  26. 我能背诵莎士比亚的全部十四行诗。

    I am able to recite all shakespeare 's sonnet .

  27. 莎士比亚十四行诗第十八首的三种译文比较

    A Comparison Of Three Translations of Sonnet 18 of Shakespeare

  28. 意英十四行诗发展变化与比较

    Italian Sonnet and English Sonnet : Development and Comparison

  29. 在英语诗歌中,最严谨、最富有挑战性的抒情诗是十四行诗。

    Sonnets are the most rigorous and challenging lyrics in the English poems .

  30. 我们学了《李尔王》,现在我们在学十四行诗。

    We did king lear , and now we 're on the sonnets .