
  1. (1802-1885)法国浪漫主义运动的领导者。

    ( 1802-1885 ) leader of the romantic movement in France .

  2. 法国浪漫主义和现实主义作家对法语的贡献

    The Contribution of French Romantic and Realistic Writers to the French Language

  3. 法国浪漫主义小说在现当代的发展和演变

    Development and evolution of French romantic novels in modern and contemporary times

  4. 雨果与法国浪漫主义戏剧美学

    Hugo and the Aestheticism of the French Romanticist Plays

  5. 法国浪漫主义文艺思想及其绘画形态

    Romanticism Aesthetics and Painting in France

  6. 波德莱尔与法国浪漫主义思潮

    Baudelaire and French Romanticism

  7. 本文以法国浪漫主义作曲家柏辽兹的《浮士德的沉沦》为对象,分析了作品从文学到音乐的转化过程中的种种变异。

    The article is based on Berlioz 's work La Damnation de Faust , analyzing the variations in the transformation from literature to music .

  8. 维克多·雨果是法国浪漫主义文学杰出的领袖和导师,是世界文学史上的巨匠。

    Victor Hugo was the outstanding leader and tutor in Romanticism Literature in France , and was also remarkable in the history of world literature .

  9. 维克多·雨果是启蒙运动时期法国浪漫主义文学最重要的代表作家之一,创作了大量具有高超艺术成就和思想价值的作品。

    As one of the most influential leading writers of French romanticism during the enlightenment period , Victor Hugo created a large number of works with superb artistic achievement and ideological value .

  10. 同时,张氏两度留赴法留学,摆脱了家庭变故和不幸爱情生活的残害,尽情享受法国浪漫主义文化和生活风气的浸染。

    At the same time , Zhang twice keep studying in France , and gets rid of the torture of family misfortune and tragic love life , and enjoys the romantic French culture and the life style heartily .

  11. 在法国,浪漫主义和启蒙思想相结合,成为政治斗争的产物。

    In France , it was collided with the Enlightenment thoughts and became the results of political struggle .

  12. 法国的浪漫主义像英国的一样,在神秘主义的非理性主义的一面和对英勇维护个人自由和社会改革的另一面之间摇摆。

    Romanticism in France as in England wavered between a mystic irrationalism , on the one hand , and a gallant defense of individual liberty and social reform on the other .