
  • 网络law degree
  1. 他通过读夜校获得了法律学位。

    He acquired a law degree by taking classes at night

  2. 他拥有布里斯托尔大学的法律学位。

    He holds a law degree from Bristol University .

  3. 在英国读完中学后,他从伦敦大学学院(universitycollege,london)获得了法律学位。

    After secondary school in the UK , he gained a law degree at University College , London .

  4. 她除了完成哈佛的mba外,还拿到了耶鲁的法律学位。

    She 's got an MBA from harvard , not to mention a law degree from yale .

  5. 25%至30%的标准普尔500公司CEO拥有其他高级学位,如博士学位或法律学位。

    Between 25 % and 30 % of SP 500 CEOs have another type of advanced degree , like a PhD or law degree .

  6. John是个运动白痴,但他看起来似乎没那么简单,他有普林斯顿大学的法律学位,而且还是个画家。

    John looks like a dumb athlete , but there 's much more to him than that , he also has a law degree from Princeton and is a good painter .

  7. 他在24岁时取得了哈佛大学的法律学位,并在一家名叫DonovanLeisuire的法律公司工作。

    He got his law degree from Harvard at age 24 , then took a job as an associate at law firm Donovan Leisure .

  8. 近十年前,加利福尼亚州怀有一腔抱负的年轻律师安娜·阿拉布尔达(AnnaAlaburda)以在班上名列前茅的成绩毕业,并通过了州律师资格考试,开始要利用自己花了大约15万美元换来的法律学位。

    Nearly a decade has passed since an aspiring young lawyer in California , Anna Alaburda , graduated in the top tier of her class , passed the state bar exam and set out to use the law degree she had spent about $ 150000 to acquire .

  9. Mulvaney曾经在乔治城大学获得学士学位,并在北卡罗来纳大学获得法律学位。他说:我在可以使用短词的时候不会使用长词,因为我一直接受用清晰简洁的风格来写作。

    I was trained to write in a clear and concise fashion , and you didn 't use big words if small words would do , Mulvaney , who graduated with honors from Georgetown and earned a law degree from the University of North Carolina , told NPR .

  10. 大部分州都要求有三年的法学教育和法律学位。

    Most require three years of college and a law degree .

  11. 他没有法律学位,是不是?

    He doesn 't have a law degree , right ?

  12. 你在牢里拿了法律学位?

    Did you get a law degree in prison ?

  13. 他毕业于中等音乐学校,并拥有法律学位。

    He graduated from secondary music school and holds a degree in Law .

  14. 没问题拿你的法律学位

    So , yes , go get that law degree

  15. 她表示:医生需要医学学位,律师需要法律学位。

    Doctors have to get a medical degree , lawyers need a law degree .

  16. 现在她在攻读法律学位。

    She 's studying for a law degree .

  17. 但他没有完成他的法律学位,而是继续研究音乐。

    He didn 't finish his law degree , but continued to study music .

  18. 获得一个法律学位并不意味着一定自然而然地成为一名律师。

    Having a law degree no longer automatically means having to be a lawyer .

  19. 不,不,伙计,你都没有法律学位。

    No , no , dude , you don 't have a law degree .

  20. 我没有法律学位来炫耀。

    But it 's not like I had a law degree to brag about .

  21. 但再加上一个法律学位

    but slippin ' Jimmy with a law degree

  22. 多位法学院院长对那种过分看重需要法律学位的工作的想法提出了告诫。

    Several law-school deans cautioned against placing too much emphasis on jobs requiring a law degree .

  23. 上述新的数据可能引发一场有关法律学位价值的辩论。

    The new details are likely to feed a debate about the value of a law degree .

  24. 其他院系则可更多地起用兼职教授,同时提供两年制的法律学位,以此削减学生的学费总额。

    Other schools could rely more on part-time professors and offer two-year degrees to shave the overall tuition bill .

  25. 所以,他进了伊利诺伊州芝加哥德保罗大学。在1948年,他获得了法律学位。

    So Benjamin Hooks enrolled at DePaul University in Chicago , Illinois , where he earned a law degree in nineteen forty-eight .

  26. 我的弟弟在哈佛大学得到一个法律学位。

    Now , as the last brother with a degree from Harvard , maybe , at last , she will be satisfied .

  27. 卡斯特罗在耶稣会学校上学后,又上了哈瓦纳大学,并获得法律学位,并积极投身政治。

    After attending Jesuit schools , he graduated from the University of Havana with a law degree and became active in politics .

  28. 不久之前,拿到法律学位绝对意味着手捧铁饭碗,肯定会找到一份高枕无忧、收入丰厚的工作。

    Not so long ago , a law degree was a surefire ticket to a secure , and often highly lucrative , career .

  29. 我的哥哥在麻省理工学院得到医学博士,在哈佛大学得到哲学博士;我的弟弟在哈佛大学得到一个法律学位。

    My older brother has an M.D. / Ph.D. from MIT and Harvard while my younger brother has a law degree from Harvard .

  30. 我弟弟摩根,你们在校监管理事会已经听到了了他的名字,拿到了哈弗大学法律学位。

    My younger brother , Morgan Chu , who you just heard his name today at the board overseers , has a law degree .