
dǎng yuán
  • party member;Chinese Communist Party members
党员 [dǎng yuán]
  • [party member] 政党的成员。在中国特指中国共产党党员

党员[dǎng yuán]
  1. 党员调动工作时,要转党的关系。

    When a Party member is transferred to another place of work , his Party credentials are sent there .

  2. 她很快就要成为党员了,她已经填写了入党申请书。

    She 'll soon become a party member , she 's filled out a membership application .

  3. 总统将继续获得忠诚党员的拥护。

    The president will keep the support of the party faithful .

  4. 她因漠视本党党员而受到非难。

    She has been attacked for ignoring her own party members .

  5. 政党领袖与该党党员在这个问题上产生了分歧。

    The leaders clashed with party members on the issue .

  6. 该党领袖敦促党员着手准备筹建政府。

    The party leader exhorted his members to start preparing for government .

  7. 一些党员对政府进行了间接的批评。

    There was coded criticism of the government from some party members .

  8. 她对党员发表的讲话并不打算公诸大众。

    Her speech to party members was not intended for public consumption .

  9. 执政党已有好几位党员倒戈。

    There have been several defections from the ruling party .

  10. 这个党在1999年时拥有1万名党员。

    In 1999 the party had 10 000 members .

  11. 她是工党党员。

    She belongs to the Labour Party .

  12. 成为党员是事业有成必不可少的先决条件。

    Party membership was an essential prerequisite of a successful career .

  13. 党员们对竞选活动的运作方式很不满。

    Party members are disgruntled at the way the campaign is being handled .

  14. 每个党员都将收到一本名为《欢迎加入工党》的小册子。

    Every member will receive their own ' Welcome to Labour ' brochure .

  15. 我是个已有5年党龄的工党正式党员。

    I 've been a card-carrying member of the Labour party for five years .

  16. 她已不再是工党党员。

    Her membership of the Labour Party has lapsed

  17. 她丈夫是坚定的保守党党员。

    Her husband is a true blue Tory .

  18. 似乎没有征求广大普通党员的意见。

    It seems that the rank and file of the party hadn 't been consulted .

  19. 二战后该党党员人数已从5万人的峰值下降了。

    The party 's membership has fallen from a peak of fifty-thousand after the Second World War

  20. 党员和人民的精神状态很好。

    All Party members and the people as a whole are full of vigour .

  21. 这种侠义的精神未能得到党内其他党员的支持。

    This chivalrous attitude was not endorsed by their followers in the party .

  22. 正是由于党员们缺乏兴趣,才使这个党濒临绝境。

    It 's the members'lack of interest which is bringing the party to the ground .

  23. 党组织对预备党员应当认真教育和考察。

    The party organization should make serious efforts to educate and observe the probationary members .

  24. 该党全体党员都支持这位新选出来的领袖,甚至连那些曾经投票反对他的人也不例外。

    All the members of the party have lined up behind the newly elected leader , even those who voted against him .

  25. 独立党的党员们硬着头皮想把这一拙劣的托词信以为真。

    The Independents tried hard to swallow the wretched subterfuge .

  26. 他坚持对其他党员的支配。

    He asserted his dominance over the other party members .

  27. 自由党员联合一致反对新的立法。

    The liberals band together against the new legislation .

  28. 民主党党员在参议院上组织了阻挠议事。

    The democrats organized a filibuster in the senate .

  29. 更多的新鲜血液加入党的队伍,彰显出党的强大生机与活力,展现出党的事业兴旺发达、欣欣向荣的蓬勃气象。党员队伍结构不断优化

    The continuous increase of members has shown the strong vitality of the Party and the prosperity of the Party 's cause .

  30. 一位网友写道:“党旗始终在一线高高飘扬。”另一位网友评论道:“关键时刻,党员一定会站出来。”

    One wrote , " The Party flag always flutters high on the front line " , and another commented " At critical moments , Party members will surely step up . "