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  1. 党锢之祸对汉末文学的影响

    The Influence of the Movement of Striking Groupings to the Literature of the Late Han Times

  2. 最后,党锢之祸和随后的战乱使得士人谈论的内容转向以人物评鉴为中心,这直接影响了后来古典文论的发展。

    At last , the movement of striking groupings and following wars made scholars focus their talking on commenting persons , which had a direct influence on the development of classical literature theory .

  3. “党锢之祸”后,随着汉末政治形势演变,黄门北寺狱的地位与作用逐渐下降,直至毁灭。

    After the " misfortune of proscribed party ," with changing circumstances of the Han politics , the status and role of the Yellow-Door North Temple jail gradually declined , until its final downfall .

  4. 还有一些士大夫在党锢之祸后选择了不仕汉室和隐逸,另外一部分士大夫则放弃了以社稷为念的精神,转而向地方发展自身势力,其中的代表人物就是袁绍和刘焉。

    Also there are some scholar-officials broke away from Han dynasty and chose seclusion . The rest of them gave up the spirit of concerning the country and turned to expand forces themselves , whose representatives were Yuan Shao and Liu Yan .

  5. 汉末文人面对古文经学的衰落和政治昏暗的现实,首先表现出了积极的用世精神,经过党锢之祸的打击之后,又开始了人性的自然复归。

    Facing the reality of political corruption and decline of confucian classics by Lishu , later Han Literary men first of all expressed their active involvement in the world and after the blow of " Dang Gu Accident ", they began to pursue the regression of human nature .