
Zhānɡ Jiǎn
  • diplomat famed for exploits in Inner Asia
  1. 张骞出使与河西开发

    Zhang Qian 's Diplomatic Missions and the Development of Hexi

  2. 张骞杖节而来,一脸风霜。

    Zhang Qian came here by holding a cane , with a weather beaten face .

  3. 汉代古丝绸之路的开拓者张骞向外国国王奉上的礼物就是丝绸。

    The pioneer in the Silk Route Zhang Qian in Han Dynasty presented foreign king gift what was we called silk .

  4. 甘英是继张骞之后到达西亚的使节,为开辟欧亚通道做出了重要贡献。

    As the most famous envoy after Zhang Qian , Gan Ying made great contribution to open a route connecting Asia with Europe .

  5. 大月氏不愿共击匈奴。公元前126年,张骞返回长安。

    However , Dayuezhi was reluctant to attack Xiongnu , and in 126 B. C. , Zhang Qian returned to Chang * an .

  6. 公元前119年,张骞再次出使西域。4年后,张骞带着乌孙等国几十名使者回到长安(今西安),完成了通西域的空前壮举。

    In 119 B. C. , he led a second expedition to the Western Regions and returned triumphantly with western envoys four years later .

  7. 张骞西使作为西汉外交政策的一个重要组成部分,其出现有历史的必然性。

    As one of the important foreign policies of Western Han Dynasty , it was inevitable that Zhangqian was sent to the western regions .

  8. 张骞历尽千辛万苦,不辱使命,探明了汉朝通往西方的道路,在此基础上开通了中西交通的商路&丝绸之路。

    He explored the way to the west and in this way opened the trade route between China and the west , i.e.the Silk Road .

  9. 更为重要的是,张骞出使西域,打通了汉朝通往中亚的贸易通道一丝绸之路。

    More importantly , Zhang Qian1 s westward travels also opened the very important trade route to the Central Asia , which later called Road of Silk .

  10. 《原野》、《张骞》、《苍原》可视为新时期严肃大歌剧创作的高峰。

    Open Country , Zhang Qian and Cang Yuan can be viewed as peaks of creative attainment in the field of serious grand opera in the new era .

  11. 中国和罗马历来被认为是古代世界上的两个超级大国,张骞的旅行为中国和罗马之间首次间接交往开辟了道路。

    His journey opened the way for what have been thought to be the first indirect contacts between the ancient world 's two superpowers , China and Rome .

  12. 2009年,在取得北京科技大学计算机科学硕士学位后,张骞与一家在纳斯达克上市的北京私企签订了劳动合同。

    After getting his master 's degree in computer science from Beijing University of Technology in2009 , Zhang signed a job contract with a Nasdaq-listed private company in Beijing .

  13. 张骞经过的路线,大体也就是著名的古代中西商业与文化交流通道“丝绸之路”。

    Zhang Qian 's unprecedented expeditions heralded the establishment of the " Silk Road " , which fostered the commercial and cultural exchanges between the East and the West .

  14. 乌孙王年老,又因箕国临近匈奴,受匈奴的威胁严重,不敢与汉联合,张骞出使未果。

    The king of Wusun , who was old , dared not ally with the Han , for his territory was dose to Xiongnu and was subjected to its menace .

  15. 自从汉朝的张骞开辟了“丝绸之路”,中国的黄金、丝绸就远销到地中海南岸。

    Since the Silk Road was created by Zhang Qian , a Chinese from Han Dynasty , Chinese gold and silk have found their way as far as to the south of the Mediterranean .

  16. 因此,对歌剧《张骞》创作、演唱风格和艺术特色的分析与研究将对中国歌剧理论和实践发展具有较强的现实意义。

    Therefore , " Zhang Qian " will create , sings the style and the artistic feature analysis and the research to the opera has the strong practical significance to the Chinese opera theory and the practice development .

  17. 公元前119年,汉武帝第二次派张骞出使西域,约居于伊犁河流域乌孙共击匈奴,以折匈奴如右翼。

    In 119 B. C. , Zhang Qian was sent to the West Regions again , inviting Wusun , who were settled in the Yili valley to form a common front to cut the right flank of the Xiongnu .

  18. 张骞两次被匈奴扣留民达十多年,还娶妻生子,但他一直“持汉节不失”。

    On route he was captured twice by the Xiongnu and detained for over ten years . During his detention he married a Xiongnu woman and with her had a son , but his loyalty to the Han emperor never wavered .

  19. 张骞(?~前114),西汉成固(今陕西城固)人,汉武帝时期著名的探险家、外交家。

    Zhang Qian ( ? - - 114 B. C. ) , born in Chenggu ( present-day Chenggu county , Shaanxi Province ) , was a famous explorer and imperial diplomat during the period referred to as the Western Han Dynasty .

  20. 根据张骞的使团和报告,因为在公元前1世纪左右,中国派出大量使团以发展丝绸之路,中国和中亚与西亚之间的商业关系繁荣发展。

    Following Zhang Qian 's embassy and report , commercial relations between China and Central as well as Western Asia flourished , as many Chinese missions were sent throughout the 1st century B.C , initiating the development of the Silk Road .

  21. 葡萄酒在我国有悠久历史,商代我国就己出现葡萄酒,西汉时张骞从西域引进内地,唐元两朝达到兴盛,自明朝开始逐渐淡化,清朝时更加衰败。

    Wine has a long history in China , Shang dynasty China displayed wine , when Zhang Qian in the Western Han dynasty from the western regions introduced mainland , Tang dynasties reached prosperity , since the Ming dynasty began to fade , the Qing dynasty more decline .

  22. 尽管此次出使西域的主要目的并未完成,但是张骞充分了解了西域各地的风土人情,第一次给中国皇帝带回一了关于印度、中东以及欧洲诸国的消息。

    Although the main objective of his expedition was not achieved , he documented the cultures and lifestyles of the peoples of the Western Regions , and for the first time , the Chinese emperor was informed about India , the Middle East and even some European countries .

  23. 公元前123年,张骞随大将军卫青出征匈奴,在他的引导下,平息了多年来北方匈奴对汉王朝的骚扰,张骞因此被封为博望侯。

    In 123 B. C. , Zhang Qian followed General Wei Qing in a major military raid against the Xiongnu . His guidance led to a number of victories , which succeeded in ending the harassment by the Xiongnu of the Han Dynasty . Zhang Qian was therefore conferred the title of Marquis of Bowang .