
  • Zhang Min;Min Zhang;Sharla Cheung;man cheung
  1. 他们甚至没有基本工资,张敏说。

    They were given no base salary , said Zhang .

  2. 我看到一张敏大植的照片。

    I saw a picture of Min dae-sik .

  3. 在家人的催促下,张敏回到福州做甲状腺和胆囊切除手术。

    The urging of his family , Zhang Min back Fuzhou thyroid and gall bladder surgery done .

  4. 张敏心里惦记着学校,身体尚未痊愈就急忙赶回了林芝。

    Zhang Min heart misses school , the body has not recovered in a hurry back to the Nyingchi .

  5. 目的探讨压力超负荷状态下左室心肌牵张敏感性钾通道TREK-1mRNA及其蛋白表达的变化。

    Objective To investigate expression changes of stretch-activated potassium channel TREK-1 mRNA and protein induced by coarctation of abdominal aorta ( CAA ) .

  6. 张敏院长还说,隆乳术后,记得要定期回医院复诊,由医师进行评估。

    Dean said Zhang Min , breast enlargement surgery , remember to regularly back to the hospital referral , by a physician for evaluation .

  7. 杭州外语实验小学校长张敏表示,他看到这篇课文之后很吃惊,并呼吁做出修订。

    Zhang Min , the principal of Hangzhou Foreign Language Experimental School , said he was " astonished to see the text " and called for a revision .

  8. 张敏院长说,其实,隆乳的效果是可以长期保持的,除非是意外发生渗漏的情况下需要更换。

    Zhang Min president said , in fact , the effect of breast augmentation can be maintained long-term , and unless it is the case of leakage accident need to be replaced .

  9. 我们正尽力筹集资金,该公司总部租售企划部经理张敏表示,我们已关闭了很多门店,并退回了租房押金。

    We are doing our best to get cash , says Zhang Min , a planning manager at the company 's headquarters . We have closed many outlets and got the rental deposits back .