
  • 网络ZHANG
  1. 3月28日,张继科和女演员景甜在新浪微博上公开了恋情,他们分享了一张两人在海滩上携手散步的照片,并配文“K爱T”。

    On March 28 , Zhang and actress Jing Tian confirmed their romance on Sina Weibo , by sharing a photo of themselves walking hand in hand on a beach , with the caption " K loves T. "

  2. 张继科获得银牌。

    Zhang won silver medal of the match .

  3. 张继科相持段使用率较高,得分率一般。

    The utilization ratio is high in the stalemate section but the score rate is ordinary .

  4. 张继科在乒乓球男子单打决赛中以4-1的比分击败队友王皓夺冠。

    Zhang Jike beat compatriot Wang Hao 4-1 in an all-Chinese men 's singles table tennis final .

  5. 张继科在接抢段表现优秀,得分率与使用率均很高。

    Zhang Jike has good performance in the snatching section with high score rate and utilization ratio .

  6. 这已经是中国代表团在里约获得的第11枚金牌了,而张继科则为中国添加了一枚银牌。

    It has been China 's 11th gold at the Rio Games , while Zhang added a silver .

  7. 中国乒乓球选手张继科则把食指放在嘴边让观众安静。

    Chinese table tennis player Zhang Jike put his index finger to his lips to quiet the fans .

  8. 不少人被张继科专业的球技和外貌圈粉,称他为“国民老公”。

    Amazed by his professional skills and good looks , many have called Zhang the " national husband . "

  9. 现年24岁的张继科以18-1611-511-610-1213-11的五局比分击败王皓。王皓已经连续三届奥运会获得乒乓球男子单打的亚军。

    The 24-year-old won 18-16 11-5 11-6 10-12 13-11 as Wang suffered a third successive defeat in an Olympic final .

  10. 尽管像往常一样慢热,开局就以4比8的比分落后,但第一局其实是28岁的张继科最好的机会。

    The first set was his best chance though the 28-year-old suffered a slow start as usual to trail 8-4 .

  11. 马龙和张继科率先赢下两场单打比赛,随后张继科和王皓一起赢下一场双打。

    Ma Long and Zhang Jike won their individual ties before the latter and Wang Hao earned victory in the doubles .

  12. 中国乒乓球运动员张怡宁和张继科,以及射击运动员张梦雪便是这一现象的典型代表。

    Chinese table tennis players Zhang Yining and Zhang Jike , as well as shooting athlete Zhang Mengxue are representatives of this phenomenon .

  13. 男单冠军由首次参加世乒赛单打的中国选手张继科夺得,这也是他职业生涯中的第一个世乒赛男单冠军。

    The Men 's Singles Championship was won by Zhang Jike , who participated in the World Table Tennis Championships for the first time .

  14. 尽管张继科参加的综艺和真人秀越来越多,但他在演艺事业上的风头并没有盖过他在运动场上的成就。

    Although Zhang Jike has been increasingly involved in variety and reality shows , his show business pursuits haven 't overshadowed his athletic achievements .

  15. 张继科是一位奥运乒乓球男子单打冠军,并且是历史上第四位完成大满贯的男性运动员。

    Zhang Jike is a Olympic champion in singles and the fourth male player in the history of table tennis to achieve a career grand slam .

  16. 乒乓球男子单打决赛中,中国队马龙以总比分4-0横扫卫冕冠军张继科,实现了个人首个大满贯。

    China 's Ma Long swept defending champion Zhang Jike 4-0 to win men 's table tennis singles gold medal , completing his first career Grand Slam .

  17. 一些网友很快便发现,7月21日是景甜的生日,而这或许也是张继科选在早上7:21公布恋情的原因。

    Some internet users quickly pointed out that July 21 is Jing 's birthday , and that 's probably why Zhang chose 7:21 am to announce the news .

  18. 在李晓霞击败队友丁宁获得女单冠军后,张继科获得中国乒乓球队在伦敦的第二块金牌。

    Zhang dominated as China took their second table tennis gold at London 2012 after Li Xiaoxia 's win over team-mate Ding Ning in the women 's final .

  19. 随后找回状态的张继科连追5分并把比分反超为9比8,但最后这位青岛小伙又出现了2次非受迫性失误,以12比14输掉了第一局。

    Coming back to his normal level of play , Zhang pulled five points in a row to overtake the lead 9-8 , but the Qingdao native again stumbled before losing it 14-12 with two unforced errors in the end .

  20. 解析张继科和马龙在与相同对手交锋时在接发球段到相持段不同的技战术运用,并从中找出规律并不断深入研究,能对今后年轻运动员有针对性的训练有所帮助。

    Analyzed that the different uses of Zhang Jike and Ma Long in the same opponents in receiving section to the stalemate section , and finding the rules and going constantly in-depth study which is very helpful to the training of young athletes .

  21. 张继科在4年前仅仅用了15个月就赢得了世锦赛、世界杯和奥运会的冠军,并成为大满贯球员,这次却出现了太多的非受迫性失误,也没能展现出令人轻易折服的标志性反拍。

    Zhang , already a Grand Slam winner four years ago after crowned at the World Championships , World Cup and Olympic Game in just 15 months , made too many unforced errors and failed to perform his trademark backhand to easily surrender .