
  • Kim Soo Hyun
  1. 韩国一线演员全智贤(JunJi-hyun)和金秀贤近来在韩国赢得了24.8%的收视率,这在韩国尼尔森市场调查公司看来是颇高的。

    Top South Korean actors Jun Ji-hyun and Kim Soo-hyun recently earned a popularity rating of 24.8 percent in their country , considered strong by Nielsen Korea .

  2. 一股韩流正席卷中国,很多中国女人迷恋金秀贤(KimSoo-hyun)和李敏镐(LeeMin-ho)那样的韩国明星,把他们尊为男神。

    A Korean wave is sweeping across China , with many Chinese women worshipping South Korean actors Kim Soo-hyun and Lee Min-ho as demigods .

  3. 这部剧集的情节就像拉美电视长剧一样曲折:金秀贤(KimSoo-hyun)饰演的帅气不老外星人在地球上被困了400年,最后成了全智贤所饰演角色的邻居。

    Its plot twists like a telenovela : In the show , a handsome alien , played by actor Kim Soo-hyun , has been stranded on earth for 400 years , never aging , and winds up living next door to Ms. Jun 's character .

  4. 这很大一部分功劳要归给正热播的韩剧《来自星星的你》。韩国一线演员全智贤(JunJi-hyun)和金秀贤近来在韩国赢得了24.8%的收视率,这在韩国尼尔森市场调查公司看来是颇高的。

    And a big part of the credit for that goes to You Who Came From The Star , the South Korean TV series which is on the air now 。 Top South Korean actors Jun Ji-hyun and Kim Soo-hyun recently earned a popularity rating of 24.8 percent in their country , considered strong by Nielsen Korea .

  5. “黄金比例”的身材也意味着金秀贤的着装无处不展示着绝佳的时尚品味。

    Kim 's perfectly proportioned figure also means everything on him is a showcase of good fashion .

  6. 而仅仅几周之后,《来自星星的你》主演金秀贤再次风靡中国。

    Only weeks later , Kim Soo-hyun , lead actor in Man From the Stars , swept the country .