
  • 【人名】Cecilia Cheung
  1. 受害者包括艺人张柏芝及钟欣桐。

    The victims include artists Cheung pak-chi and Chung yan-tung .

  2. 不要再想你这辈子必须找个张柏芝或李嘉欣,因为你不是周润发。

    Cheung or Michelle Reis , because you are not Chow Yun-fat .

  3. 张柏芝愿意为谢霆锋生几个孩子呢?

    How many children is Cecilia Cheung willing to have for Nicholas Tse ?

  4. 看来张柏芝于婆婆心中的位置又再进一步!

    It seems that Zhang Bozhi has a much more important place in her mother-in-law .

  5. 时下青少年偶像有歌星谢霆锋和模特儿张柏芝。

    Singer Nicholas Tse ting-fung and model Cheung pak-chi are the teen idols of the moment .

  6. 在我眼中比较出名的明星夫妻就是张柏芝和谢霆锋。

    I compare in the eyes of husband and wife is famous star Cecilia Cheung and Nicholas Tse .

  7. 是的,但是张柏芝说过她结婚后想要三个小孩。

    Ann : Yes , but Cecilia said that she wanted to have three kids after she got married .

  8. 有传闻称身为万人迷的香港明星张柏芝和谢霆锋要结束他们5年的婚姻,这使得他们的粉丝忧心忡忡。

    Rumors that Hong Kong heartthrobs Cecilia Cheung and Nicholas Tse are ending their five-year marriage have worried their fans .

  9. 据报道,张柏芝还用手机和陈冠希自拍了合照,他们似乎还交换了手机号码。

    Cheung also reportedly snapped a photo of them together with her mobile phone , and they appeared to exchange numbers .

  10. 张柏芝这次怀孕疑云的确扑朔迷离,婆婆狄波拉站出来亲证媳妇没有喜。

    Cecilia Cheung is indeed bewildering suspicions of the pregnancy , mother-in-law Deborah stand up and daughter-in-law did not permit the pro-hi .

  11. 女生倾慕谢霆锋的才貌,男生则为张柏芝的长发和身材所颠倒。

    Tse 's talent and good looks attract the girls , while Cheung 's long hair and good figure attract the boys .

  12. 阿娇有一次看到谢霆锋和张柏芝接吻,表示很恶心,自己不会这样做。

    Ejiao have seen kissing Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung , said that he was very nausea , they do not do so .

  13. 但是大家说我漂亮,说我长得像张柏芝,我还是有点小开心。

    However , we say that I am beautiful , that I look like Cecilia Cheung , I was a bit small happy .

  14. 新浪娱乐讯前段时间,“张柏芝再度怀孕”传闻甚嚣尘上,但一直没有得到当事人的回应。

    Some time ago ," Cecilia Cheung pregnant again " rumors were flying around , but has not been a party 's response .

  15. 在这部电影的拍摄中,真田广之先生与多位亚洲知名艺人都有密切的合作,像来自韩国的张东健,来在香港的张柏芝。

    This time Sanada-san worked together with the top stars representing Asian countries ; Jang Dong-kun from Korea and Cecilia Chang from Hong Kong .

  16. 张柏芝流产之说可以说是无稽之谈,希望美丽的柏芝可以快些恢复健康,再现白嫩面容!

    Cecilia Cheung said abortion can be said to be nonsense , and hope that the beautiful Bai Zhi can recover as soon as possible , white face again !

  17. 身为二十四孝婆婆的狄波拉,昨日指孙子有个好妈妈张柏芝宠爱,相比起万千宠爱来得重要。

    As the best mother-in-law , Deborah said that her grandson has the most love from a good mother , which is more important than the myriad love from others .

  18. 随着张柏芝再度产子的日子逼近,其赤柱寓所门外聚集传媒人数也越来越多。

    Along with the date when Zhang Bozhi gives birth to a new baby again comes , more and more media stay round Zhang Bozhi 's house in Chi Zhu .

  19. 张柏芝称扮演莫小姐,这个机明通过美丽和智慧控制周围的人物,仍然感到像一个梦。

    And Cecelia Cheung says acting as miss . Mo , a manipulative character who uses her beauty and intelligence to control those around her , still feels like a dream .

  20. 的父亲谢贤在接受采访时,也指流产说纯属子虚乌有,张柏芝其实并未怀孕,脸上的红疹是因为贪吃辣导致的。

    Xie 's father , in an interview , referring to abortion , said untrue , Cecilia Cheung is not in fact pregnant , his face because of the rash caused by the hot greedy .

  21. 《蜀山传》讲述昆仑弟子玄天宗(郑伊健)与师传孤月大师(张柏芝)相恋,孤月力战妖道幽泉血魔而亡。

    King Sky ( Ekin Cheng ), the sole disciple of the Kun Lun Sect , falls in love with his master Dawn ( Cecilia Cheung ) . Dawn is killed when Insomnia destroys the Kun Lun Mountain .

  22. 在过去的几个月里,范冰冰,姜文,郭敬明,蔡康永,张柏芝等一众明星,分别指导、制作或出演了各自的微电影。

    In the past few months , Fan Bingbing , Jiang Wen , Guo Jingming , Kevin Tsai , Cecelia Cheung and so on , have all had their micro films made , either directing , producing or playing a character .