
  • Photo scandal;erotic picture scandal;nude picture scandal
  1. 但与此同时,互联网却带来许多的社会问题,如:青少年沉迷网上游戏和艳照门事件等。

    Meanwhile , internet , however , creates many social problems , for example , juveniles addicted to online game and personal information was improperly transferred .

  2. 朱正是陈冠希不计其数的粉丝中的典型代表,他们静静地支持着自己的偶像,等待着他的复出,而在爆出艳照门之后的媒体报道中,他们的声音几乎很少被听到。

    Zhu is representative of countless Chen fans , quietly supportive and awaiting his return , whose voices were rarely heard in the media witch-hunt that followed the scandal .

  3. 在交流中部分站长对此“湛江二中艳照门视频”热点跃跃欲试,网站做此关键字优化带来流量。

    In the communication part of the owners of this " Zhanjiang II Yan Zhao door video " hot spots eager to make this keyword optimized web site to bring traffic .

  4. 8月31日上午,《饥饿游戏》女星詹妮弗•劳伦斯,以及凯特•阿普顿,爱莉安娜•格兰德,克尔斯滕•邓斯特等诸多好莱坞一线女星因手机遭到黑客攻击,不雅照外泄,成为最近规模最大的明星“艳照门”事件。

    Nude photos of " Hunger Games " star Jennifer Lawrence , Kate Upton , Ariana Grande and Kirsten Dunst , among others , leaked online Sunday morning in one of the biggest celebrity hacking scandals in recent memory .

  5. 同时,突出理论联系实际,以隐私权与知情权冲突时的协调原则为基础,分析了艳照门事件中明星隐私权与公众知情权冲突时何者保护为先。

    At the same time , prominent theory with practice , to privacy and the right to know the co-ordination of the conflict based on the principles of " Yanzhao " incident star privacy conflicts with the public right to know what protection will be the first .