
yàn qínɡ
  • eroticism;erotic poetry
艳情 [yàn qíng]
  • [romantic love] 指男女情爱的

  • 艳情小说

  1. 我们在欧洲的时候看过未删节版《罗马帝国艳情史》。

    We saw the uncut version of ' Caligula ' when we were in Europe .

  2. 艳情周末确实成为一种时尚回归了。

    The dirty weekend is well and truly back in fashion .

  3. 第二部分是咏物诗和艳情诗。

    Another part chants the thing poem and gaudy love song .

  4. 但通过吴均诗与宫体诗的比较,使我们对吴均的艳情诗有了更深入的认识。

    Through a comparison between Wu Juris poetry and other erotic poems .

  5. 仙道艳情词指受道教影响的艳情词作。

    The fairy-love lyrics refer to the lyrics influenced by Taoist culture .

  6. 本文即是针对新变体概念的研究,其范围包括艳情诗歌、咏物、拟民歌等其它题材。

    The thesis does research on New style concept .

  7. 晚唐艳情诗与艳情词南朝文人艳情诗与乐府民歌产生背景的比较分析

    A comparative study of the loving poems and folk songs in the Southern Dynasties

  8. 论约翰·多恩艳情诗中的张力

    Tension in John Donne 's Erotic Poems

  9. 道教与唐五代仙道艳情词

    Taoism and the Fairy - love Lyrics of the Late - Tang and the Five Dynasties

  10. 从《跳蚤》到《致他羞怯的情人》&玄学派诗人邓恩和马维尔的艳情诗探析

    From The Flea to To His Coy Mistress : On the seduction poems of Metaphysical poets

  11. 这就是晚唐五代仙道艳情词产生的文化基础。

    This is the cultural foundation of the fairy-love lyrics of the Late-Tang and the Five Dynasties .

  12. 在此基础上,唐宋艳情词经历了高涨、拓展、新变三个阶段。

    Based on that , the Erotic Ci has experienced three periods of upsurge , extension and variation .

  13. 艳情诗的出现,便是这一时期重要而值得研究的文学现象。

    The appearance of Yan Qing poem is just the literature phenomenon that is important and worth studying .

  14. 明清艳情文学繁盛的历史原因主要表现在五个方面。

    There are five main historical reasons for the prevalence of sexual love literature during Ming & Qing dynasties .

  15. 迷惘、失落中,他们普遍回归自我,在艳情或闲适中安顿心灵,寻求安慰,齐梁浮靡诗风再度受到青睐。

    Bewildered and lost , they generally returned to self and tried to seek comfort in love affairs or leisure .

  16. 因此,笔者认为宫体诗作为吴歌、西曲娱乐性和艳情特征肆意发展的产物,两者间有着复杂而直接的关系。

    The author believes Dynasty poems are the products of the extreme development of Wu Songs and entertaining West Music .

  17. 这些诗和当时一些格调低下的艳情诗不同,写得形象美丽,蕴藉含蓄,富有朦胧美。

    Different from some then amorous poems , these poems are veny beautiful , refined , implicit and fall of hazy beauty .

  18. 就笔者的视力所及,关于日本的艳情文学模式,很少有专门的分析。

    On the author 's eyesight in one 's power , about the amorous literature mode of Japan , seldom has special analysis .

  19. 艳情诗的创作实践,实际上反映了南朝特定历史文化生态中,士人的心态。

    The creative practice of Yan Qing poem actually reflected the philistines ' cultural mentality in particular history cultural ecology of Southern dynasties .

  20. 艳情在日本和印度是文学理论或美感中的一个重要概念,并形成了相应的文学传统。

    For Japan and India , it is an important concept in literature theory or the aesthetic feeling , having formed the corresponding literature tradition .

  21. 只有通过认真审视和深入比较,才能更清晰、准确也更客观和全面地把握这两个重要艳情诗人及其艳情诗篇。

    Careful analysis and in-depth comparison are needed to have a clearer , more accurate and objective understanding of the two poets and their erotic poems .

  22. 艳情诗最早可追溯到《诗经》中,初盛唐时期虽有萌芽,但态势并不明显。

    Love poems dating back to " Book of Songs ", although the bud during the early Tang Dynasty , but the trend is not obvious .

  23. 另一方面,受基督教文化背景的影响,他的艳情诗表现出强烈的男权意识和歧视女性的特点。

    On the other , influenced by his Christian background , he shows the tendency that man is superior to woman and therefore woman is despised in his love poetry .

  24. 第二章分析了《衍波词》所展示的名士风怀,主要从艳情词、唱和词、和韵词几个方面展开论述的。

    The second chapter analyzes the excellent work shown in " Yan Wave Word " mainly in the aspects of the erotic words , singing the word , and rhyme words .

  25. 雅词与俗词是唐宋艳情词的两种典型的审美形态,它们在意趣、抒情、语言等方面具有不同的美学表征,并在对立共济中发展。

    The refined and popular Erotic Ci are two typical types of aesthetic patterns , they have distinctive features in literature tastes , language and lyric characters , and develop in the contradictory co-existence .

  26. 多恩艳情诗的语言张力和意象张力入手,分析了这两种张力在文本内部的构建。

    This article , taking the language and image tensions in John Donne s erotic poems as a cutting point , intends to show the construction process of these two tensions in those poems .

  27. 针对唐传奇作者对女性爱情、婚恋、命运的关注与描写,把女性形象初步分为艳情女子形象与侠义女子形象两大类。

    Direct against to women love , marriage , concern and description of destiny in legend Tang , women 's image is divided the emotive woman image and the chivalrous woman image two big classes .

  28. 通过对日本艳情文学模式产生、发展和嬗变的分析,启示和警醒现代人面对生存的缺失,思考精神的归依和存在的意义。

    2 , Analyses through producing to Japan 's amorous literature mode , developing and transmutation , enlighten and alarm modern people think spirit returning in the face of disappearance of surviving and meaning of existing .

  29. 徒诗可以分为侍宴、应制题材和宫体两大类,这里的宫体又包含了艳情、咏物、山水风景三种题材。

    The poem can be divided into two main category : Shiyan subject and Palace poem , and Palace poem here ' includes three kinds of subjects : Gaudy feeling , Chant things , Mountains anf rivers scenery .

  30. 全文分为两个部分:首先对沈约的诗作内容进行研究,从题材角度上,划分为咏物诗、山水诗、艳情诗、感怀诗等四节,来分类论述;

    The article is devided into two parts : firstly , study the content of Shen Yue 's poems , respectively discussing his poems which praise the object , the hill and water , romantic love , the emotion and feelings ;