
  • 网络Childhood obesity
  1. 儿童肥胖与血清脂联素、瘦素、C反-应蛋白相关性研究

    Study on the relationship between children obesity and adiponectin , leptin , high-sensitive C-reactive protein

  2. 儿童肥胖和代谢综合症患儿血清高敏C反应蛋白水平变化及意义

    Serum concentration of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and its significance in children with simple obesity and metabolism syndrome

  3. 研究结果显示,导致肥胖的原因是复杂的,而只靠提醒孩子们少吃多运动,可能不足以减少儿童肥胖。

    The findings suggest that the causes of obesity are complex and telling children to eat less and exercise more , may not be enough to reduce childhood obesity on its own .

  4. SelectResearch总经理理查德·巴恩斯说现在通过数据就定下儿童肥胖的趋势还太早。

    Richard Barnes , MD of Select Research , said it was too early to draw conclusions on childhood obesity trends from the data .

  5. 目的探讨儿童肥胖与代谢综合征(MS)各指标的相关性。

    [ Objective ] To investigate the relativity of children obesity and some indexes of metabolism syndrome .

  6. 问这个问题并不愚蠢,至少在9月份时肯定不,因为这个月正好是“全国警惕儿童肥胖月”(NationalChildhoodObesityAwarenessMonth)。

    This isn 't a silly question , certainly not during September , which happens to be National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month .

  7. 据美国疾病控制与预防中心(U.S.CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention)统计,2010年美国约18%的学龄儿童肥胖。

    About 18 % of school-age children in the U.S. were considered obese in 2010 , according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .

  8. 结果父母的体重与子女存在一定的相关性,特别是母亲的BMI值对儿童肥胖指数有显著的正性影响。

    Results Parents ' weight correlated with their children .

  9. 结论儿童肥胖与NIDDM相关密切。

    Conclusion Close relationship were found between child obesity and NIDDM .

  10. 此次展览是由佛罗里达蓝十字会(FloridaBlue)和安盛蓝十字蓝盾公司(AnthemBlueCrossBlueShield)赞助的专项计划,主要针对儿童肥胖问题。

    The exhibit , which was specifically oriented towards fighting childhood obesity , was a project sponsored by Florida blue and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield .

  11. 儿童肥胖度与TG、apoB水平呈正相关,与HDL-C水平呈负相关。

    Childhood obesity degree was correlated positively with the TG , apoB levels and negatively with the HDL-C level .

  12. 目的调查徐州市小学生单纯性肥胖患病情况,比较标准体重法与新标准BMI法判断儿童肥胖的差异。

    Objective To investigate the prevalence of childhood simple obesity in primary school and compare the conventional method of standard body weight to the new body mass index ( BMI ) .

  13. 在7月瑞典举办的国际肥胖大会(InternationalCongressonObesity)上,一些报告称,法国、英国和瑞典等一些国家的儿童肥胖率增速首次开始放缓。

    At the International Congress on Obesity held in Sweden in July , some reports suggested that for the first time the rate of growth of obesity in children in some countries including France , the UK and Sweden was beginning to slow .

  14. 目的为研究NIDDM家族史与儿童肥胖度、体脂分布及血压的关系。

    Objective To study the relationship between family history of NIDDM ( non insulin dependent diabete mellitus ) and total body fat , fat pattern and blood pressure in children .

  15. 该研究报告的主要作者、华盛顿大学全球卫生专家MarieNg说,儿童肥胖会对健康造成严重影响,比如糖尿病、心血管疾病以及各种癌症。

    Childhood obesity has severe health effects , such as diabetes , cardiovascular disease and various types of cancers , said Marie Ng , the study 's lead author and a professor of global health at the University of Washington .

  16. 美国饮料协会(americanbeverageassociation)会长苏珊尼利(susanneely)说:“儿童肥胖是美国的一个严重问题,每个人,包括我们行业,都有责任寻找常识性解决办法。”

    Susan Neely , President of the American Beverage Association , the industry group that brokered the agreement , said : " childhood obesity is a serious problem in the US and the responsibility for finding common-sense solutions is shared by everyone , including our industry . "

  17. 文献报道和前期研究提示PAEs与腹部肥胖以及儿童肥胖相关,但目前未见其影响机制的研究。研究方法:本课题以PAEs是过氧化物酶体增殖剂为切入点,可以激活过氧化物酶体增殖剂受体PPARs。

    Report in the literature and preliminary research suggest that obesity-related PAEs have associate with abdominal obesity and children obesity , but no impact mechanism . Methods : This Experiment subject PAEs peroxisome proliferator agent as the starting point , PAEs can activate the peroxisome proliferator-receptors ( PPARs ) .

  18. 儿童肥胖的解决之道:踢15分钟足球?

    The Answer To Childhood Obesity : 15 Minutes Of Football ?

  19. 天津地区儿童肥胖病发病率及影响因素的研究

    Study on Children Adiposis in Tianjin Area and Its Risk Factors

  20. 石河子市儿童肥胖现状及对心理行为影响

    Analysis of children obesity prevalence situation and psychological characteristics in Shihezi

  21. 儿童肥胖与代谢综合征的相关性研究进展

    Progress of Correlation Analysis between Obesity in Childhood and Metabolic Syndrome

  22. 膳食及营养因素对学龄前儿童肥胖的影响

    Influences of diet and nutrition on obesity of per-shool children

  23. 目的:探讨儿童肥胖引起高血压的机制。

    Objective : To explore the mechanism of obesity-induced hypertension in children .

  24. 社会认知理论在儿童肥胖控制健康教育工作中的应用

    Application of social cognitive theory in health education of children obesity control

  25. 肥胖问题,尤其是儿童肥胖,日益严重。

    Obesity is a growing problem , particularly for children .

  26. 中国3~5岁儿童肥胖与铁营养状况研究

    Status of obesity and iron nutrition among Chinese 3-5-year-old children

  27. 武汉市城区0~7岁儿童肥胖患病率调查

    Prevalence of Obesity in Children Under 7 Years in Wuhan Urban Area

  28. 儿童肥胖与颈动脉内膜-中层厚度及动脉扩张功能

    Carotid intimal - medial thickness and artery expansion function in obese children

  29. 某市区儿童肥胖现状及影响因素的现况调查

    Study on current situation of children 's obesity and its influencing factors

  30. 运动已过去三年,如今应对儿童肥胖的斗争却陷入了策略上的泥淖。

    Campaign , the fight against childhood obesity faces a tactical problem .