
  1. 哮喘儿童心理行为障碍及其早期干预

    Behavioral and Psychological Problems and Interventions in Children with Asthma

  2. 背景:儿童心理行为障碍性疾病影响儿童的生长发育中行为及个性特征的形成。

    BACKGROUND : Psychological disorder and behavior disorders can affect the development of behavior and personality in children .

  3. 随着我国教育事业的不断发展,如何从启蒙阶段矫正单亲儿童的心理障碍,让他们以阳光的心态踏入社会,是教育工作者的光荣使命,也是本课题所要研究的目标。

    With the continuous development of education in China , how to correct single-parent children from the initiation stage of the psychological barriers to enable them to enter the social mentality of the sun , is the glorious mission of educators is to be the subject of the study objectives .

  4. 北京301名精神发育迟滞儿童的心理行为障碍调查

    An investigation of psychological and behaviour problems in 301 mentally retarded children in Beijing

  5. 绘画作品检测表明,并不是所有的单亲家庭儿童都患有心理障碍疾病。

    Paintings testing showed that not all children of single parent families suffering from psychological disorders .

  6. 结果癫痫全身性强直-阵挛发作儿童存在心理、行为障碍,其生活质量明显低于正常儿童;

    Results The psychological and behavioral disturbances were existed in children with generalized tonic-clonic seizures . Their quality of life was remarkable lower than that of normal children .