
  1. 儿童依恋类型的影响因素分析及安全型依恋的培养

    On the factors influencing attachment and the way to form security attachment

  2. 影响儿童依恋风格形成的家庭因素

    Family Influence on Children 's Development of Attachment Style

  3. 影响儿童依恋发展的因素有很多,其中家庭因素就是极其重要的影响因素。

    Among the many factors , the home environment absolutely is very important one .

  4. 儿童依恋的影响因素概述

    On the Influencing Factor of Child Attaching

  5. 儿童依恋理论述评

    Brief Comment on Children Oedipal Theory

  6. 运用沃特期-迪因儿童依恋行为分类卡片的相关条目,评估81名寄宿制幼儿园幼儿与母亲的依恋水平,并用自编问卷回溯幼儿三岁前的养育经验及相关基本信息。

    Items from Waters & Deane 's Attachment Q-set were used to evaluate mother-child attachment of 81 boarding kindergartners . Their nurturing experience before three was traced via a self-made questionnaire .

  7. 儿童依恋的发展受一系列环境因素和儿童自身主体因素的影响,过去研究最多的是母亲的养育行为与儿童自身特征这两大因素。

    The development of child attaching gets the influence of a series of environmental factors and main factor is of child self . In the past , we make research mostly to two factors : fosterage behavior of mother and feature of child self .

  8. 小学高年级儿童亲子依恋与欺负行为的关系研究

    Study on the Relations between Primary School Pupils Attachment and Bullying

  9. 家长与儿童之间依恋程度较低

    A low level of attachment between parents and children

  10. 依恋理论强调了儿童期依恋对青少年亲子关系的影响。

    Attachment theory emphasizes the influence of attachment to parents of adolescents in their childhood .

  11. 自闭症儿童的依恋及其与发展障碍各功能领域关系的研究

    Study on the Attachment and Its Relationship with Functional Domains of Development Disorder of Autistic Children

  12. 有研究者强调维持和发展正常的依恋关系可能是自闭症的一种干预选择,但自闭症儿童的依恋及其与发展障碍各个功能领域的关系研究亟待深入。

    Researchers emphasize that to maintain and develop normal attachment of autism may be a kind of intervention choice for autistic children .

  13. 青少年依恋研究主要集中在青少年的依恋质量高低方面的研究,对于青少年中的特殊人群&留守儿童的依恋研究,特别是依恋风格方面的研究非常欠缺。

    The academic community has had a great deal of research on adolescents . However , which is mainly focused on the quality of attachment , for the special ones - the attachment of left-behind children especially their attachment style is the lack of .

  14. 本文先介绍了依恋对儿童社会性发展的影响,接着介绍应该如何培养儿童的安全型依恋。

    This paper first shows the impact of attachment on children 's social development and then it describes how to develop their secure attachment .