
  1. 其次介绍了皮亚杰的儿童认知发展阶段理论及其对教育的重要意义;

    Secondly , Jane Piaget 's stages theory of cognitive development in children and its significance are introduced .

  2. 基于皮亚杰的儿童认知发展阶段理论,文章认为儿童文学的翻译应以对儿童、儿童文学和儿童语言的理解为基础。

    Therefore , based upon Piaget 's cognitive stage theory , translation of children 's literature should involve a thorough knowledge of children , children 's literature , and children 's language .

  3. 运用皮亚杰有关儿童认知发展的理论考察学生学习科学知识的认知基础,开展此类研究可为科学探究的教学设计提供支持。

    In term of Piagetian theory of cognitive development stages , we study pupils ' cognitive bases of learning science knowledge . Carrying out this type of research may give support to science inquiry instruction designs .

  4. 论儿童认知发展的心理理论

    On the child 's theory of mind in cognitive development

  5. 本文在描述联结主义模型的基本内涵的基础上,以婴儿分类和客体永久性的联结主义模型为范例,着重评析了这一范式在解释儿童认知发展方面的理论优势及限度。

    This paper analyzed theoretical advantages and limits of the paradigms in explanation of children development by way of the two instances : infant category and object performance .