
  • 网络practice effect
  1. 飞行人员心理旋转能力测验的练习效应

    Practice effect of mental rotation test on pilots

  2. 类别与数量空间关系识别加工中的练习效应研究

    A study of the practice effect of cognitive process in categorical and metric spatial relation encoding

  3. 练习效应对IAT效应存在一定的影响,表现在后测的IAT效应小于前测水平。

    The IAT effect is affected by exercise effect to some extent , which means that previous test experience may contribute to the slight reduction of the IAT effect on the following test occasions .

  4. 采用被试内前后测设计时要注意控制练习效应。

    Studies using pretest and post-test design should control for practice effects .

  5. 测评结果的评价应使用特殊的统计学方法减少测验误差和练习效应。

    It has multiple sets of parallel versions , and the results should be using special statistical methods to reduce error and learning effects of testing .

  6. 许多玩家一开始并没有什么游戏经验,所以他们的游戏分数有所提升不足为奇&这是一种名为“练习效应”的现象。

    Many users start with little gaming experience , so it 's not surprising that their scores improve & a phenomenon known as the practice effect .

  7. 采用被试间实验设计,减少单个被试在实验中的工作量,以控制疲劳效应和练习效应。

    Second , the design of experiment between subjects , reduce a single test in the experiments of workload to control effects of fatigue and practice effect .

  8. 结论:练习效应是影响飞行人员心理旋转测验成绩变化的因素之一;为了消除正式测验时出现的练习效应而对测验成绩的影响,建议正式测验时的练习遍数不得少于12遍。

    CONCLUSION : Practice effect is one of the factors affecting the results of the mental rotation test , which can be eliminated after practice no fewer than 12 times .

  9. 本研究通过检测20名飞行员及其控制组的视觉空间关系识别中的认知加工水平,旨在探讨视觉空间关系识别中的类别关系和数量关系加工子系统所表现出的练习效应水平的高低。

    The processing levels of visuospatial relation encoding were tested in twenty pilots and controls to examine the practice effect in the two typical processing subsystems of categorical and metric relation encoding .

  10. 结合相关的工作基础,研究结果还进一步证实高水平视觉认知加工所表现出的练习效应和年龄效应在大脑神经网络上的分布是不平衡的。

    Additionally , combined with previous work done by the authors , the results also verified that the imbalance of the practice effect and the age effect was distributed on the cerebral neural network .

  11. 研究结果表明,在参与视觉空间关系判断的两个典型加工子系统中,负责数量(坐标)空间关系判断的加工子系统随系统训练而表现出功能增强的练习效应。

    The results indicated that among the two main subsystems involved in visuospatial relation encoding and judgment , there was a stronger practice effect and the corresponding function was improved with systematic training in the metric / coordinate subsystem of visuospatial relation encoding .

  12. 第三个阶段在20世纪80年代,人们的研究重点集中于如何由新手变成专家,最初的研究方向分为练习效应、运动技能以及迁移的共同因素模型。

    The third stage was through 1980 's , in which the research focused on how a novice became into an expert . At the beginning of this stage , the research dealt with practical effects , motor skills , and the general factor model of transfer .

  13. 5视觉表象产生加工水平会随着外界系统训练或年龄因素的影响发生相应的改变,从而表现出一定的练习效应和年龄效应,说明视觉表象产生加工具有相对较高的可塑性和易变性特点。

    Visual image generation level turned out some changes after long-term systemic training or age factor influenced , showed some extent of practice effect and age effect , and revealed that visual image generation process has the characteristic of relative much higher functional plasticity and susceptibility . 6 .

  14. 这种练习具有双重效应:它有助于让我的祖母保持敏捷的思维,同时还给我们提供了一个变得彼此更加亲密的机会。

    The exercise had a dual-effect ; it helped to keep her mentally sharp , but also provided a chance for us to grow closer .