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liàn wǔ
  • practise martial arts;practise wushu;do weapon practice;train in combat skills;do combat training
练武 [liàn wǔ]
  • (1) [practise martial arts;do combat training; train in combat skills]∶操练武功

  • (2) [do weapon practice]∶学习或练习军事技术

练武[liàn wǔ]
  1. 这是什么话,没有营养怎么练武?

    Look here , how can you do martial artd without nutrition ?

  2. 三个月前他们就开始练武,每个礼拜一次。

    They started to practice three months ago , once a week .

  3. 古代中国人练武是为了防身。

    The ancient Chinese practiced kungfu to defend themselves .

  4. 练武场地的情景年年岁岁日日如此,但周围的少林寺却不是这样。

    The parade-ground scene is timeless , but the surrounding temple is not .

  5. 早上我还看见她练武呢。

    I saw her practicing just this morning .

  6. 你必须答应我戴上护身符,开始练武。

    You must agree to wear the medallion and begin your Kung Fu training .

  7. 我在练武.练武干什么?

    I 'm practicing . Practicing for what ?

  8. 你是什么时候,怎样,又是为什么开始练武的呢?

    How , when and why did you first get involved in the martial arts ?

  9. 甘家堡练武保家。

    Jin Castle strengthens itself for protection .

  10. 然而另一方面,运动员则是为了取得荣誉然而练武。

    On the other hand , the athletes use wushu as a way to find honor .

  11. 这一通过考试选拔人才的制度,促进了社会上的练武活动。

    The selection of personnel through the examination system , and promote a community of Lianwu activities .

  12. 我年轻的时候练武,可是用尽了血汗泪啊!做不来就一遍一遍再一遍地做。

    When I was young I used my all my blood , sweat and tears while practicing Kung Fu .

  13. 有钱人不练武,练武辛苦,许多人没有强体,反而满身是伤痛。

    The rich are not martial arts , martial arts hard , many people did and strength , but covered in pain .

  14. 如果喜欢教书和练武,那也就不怕穷苦和不怕伤痛了。

    If you like teaching and martial arts , it also is not afraid of the poor and are not afraid of pain .

  15. 少林拳,传说是由护卫少林寺的武僧们在长期的练武过程中慢慢积累发展出来的。

    It is said that Shaolin boxing was accumulated and developed for a long time by the monks who protected the Shaolin Temple .

  16. 广州天河体育中心群众练武活动现状调查分析发展身体协调素质对武术套路学习的影响

    An Investigation of Wushu Practice in Tianhe Athletic Center in Guangzhou A Research Study on the Effect on Wushu Practice by Developing Students ' Ability of Harmonizing Body Movement

  17. 《一代宗师》张震的镜头加起来不过3分钟,但他刻苦练武也终有回报,在全国八极拳比赛中夺得冠军。

    Chang was only in the movie for a total of three minutes , but his practice of the traditional martial arts style won him the top prize in the national Baijiquan contest .

  18. 左子穆长剑一抖,指向那少女左肩,他倒并无伤人之意,只是不许她走出练武厅。

    But the master had pointed the sword at her left shoulder , with no intention to hurt but stop her , while the girl , giving her bag a gentle pat , whistled two times .

  19. 要与海外各种武术组织、团体、学校加强联系,把武术渗透到海外大学的课程设置中,从而提高练武团体的整体素质,真正使武术成为世界体坛中具有重要影响的体育运动项目之一。

    It is concluded that we should enhance the connection with international Wushu issues , organizations and colleges so as to interpenetrate Chinese Wushu into the curriculum of international colleges and improve the quality and the level of the Wushu .