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héng xīn
  • perseverance;persistence;patience;constancy of purpose;be good and honest
恒心 [héng xīn]
  • (1) [perserverance]∶持之以恒的毅力;坚持达到目的或执行某项计划的决心

  • 你要是没有恒心可学不好

  • (2) [constancy of purpose]∶持久不变的意志

  • (3) [be good and honest]∶指人所常有的善良本心

  • 有恒心者。--《孟子.梁惠王上》

  • 因无恒心。

  • 苟无恒心。

恒心[héng xīn]
  1. 有恒心就能胜利。

    Perseverance leads to success .

  2. 没有恒心到哪里也不会成功。

    Wherever you may go , you can 't succeed without perseverance .

  3. 只要他有恒心,定能有所成就。

    He 's sure to get somewhere if he persists .

  4. 你要是没有恒心可学不好。

    Unless you persevere with a subject ; you can 't hope to master it .

  5. n.稳定性;坚定,恒心水泥墙比木篱笆稳固得多。

    stability A concrete wall has more stability than a wooden fence .

  6. JoeKraus说恒心是我们成功地第一条原因。

    Joe Kraus says , Persistence is the number one reason for our success .

  7. JoeKraus说”恒心是我们成功地第一条原因。

    Joe Kraus says , " Persistence is the number one reason for our success . " You gotta persist through failure .

  8. 不知情而光是猜想,则易摧毁恒心毅力。

    " guessing " instead of " knowing " destroys persistence .

  9. 没有恒心只有力量是完不成伟业。

    Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance .

  10. 在她所有的爱慕者当中,约翰爵士最有恒心。

    Of all her admirers the most permanent was Sir John .

  11. 只要有恒心,研究和耐心,你会自然而然找到途径。

    With commitment , research and patience , the means will come .

  12. 决心,信心和恒心是成功的三大因素。

    Determination , confidence and perseverance are three main factors for success .

  13. 苦干再加恒心,老鼠也能把钢索咬断。

    Diligence and patience , the mouse bit in tow the cable .

  14. 学习是要有耐心和恒心的!

    Patience is bitter , but its fruit is sweet !

  15. 这位亲认为她儿子的失败是由于缺乏恒心。

    The mother attributed her son 's failure to lack of persistence .

  16. 交易需要实践,谦虚,和恒心。

    Trading requires practice , humility , and perseverance .

  17. 培养恒心毅力成为习惯,有四个简易的步骤。

    There are four simple steps which lead to the habit of PERSISTENCE .

  18. 恒心毅力是一种心智状态,所以是可以培养训练的。

    Persistence is a state of mind , therefore it can be cultivated .

  19. 销售技能需要恒心、热情和信念。

    It will require persistence , enthusiasm and belief .

  20. 练习、耐心和恒心。

    W : Practice , patience and perseverance .

  21. 恒心毅力是习惯的直接产物。

    Persistence is the direct result of habit .

  22. 因此我要培养的第二种素质是做事的毅力恒心。

    Therefore I must raise the second kind of quality that is the perseverance .

  23. 某位老将军对我说:有野心更要有恒心。

    A general told me : The perseverance is more important than the ambition .

  24. 决心和恒心撼动世界。

    Determination and perseverance mone the world .

  25. 恒心是美德的基础。

    Constancy is the foundation of virtue .

  26. 成功属于有恒心的人。

    Success belongs to the persevering .

  27. 练习、心和恒心。而且你要热爱丢脸。

    W : Practice , patience and perseverance . And you have to enjoy losing face .

  28. 他是个有恒心的学生。

    He is a persevering student .

  29. 乔·克劳斯说,“恒心是我们成功地第一条原因。”

    Joe Kraus says , " Persistence is the number one reason for our success . "

  30. 并不缺乏勇气和刚毅。恒心毅力是习惯的直接产物。

    There was no lack of gallantry and fortitude . Persistence is the direct result of habit .