
  • 网络A'ana;Luis Von Ahn
  1. 许多品牌都想打破数字业务与实体业务之间的壁垒,Retail&Digital2.0联合创始人克莱门丝.德阿纳(ClémenceDehaene)表示,这家创业企业将动作传感器、屏幕及其他高科技元素融入到奢侈品零售展示中。

    A lot of brands want to break down the barriers between their digital and physical presence , says Cl é mence Dehaene , co-founder of Retail & Digital 2.0 , a start-up that integrates motion sensors , screens , and other high-tech elements in luxury retail displays .

  2. 这些音乐家就在这里——就在华盛顿。他们将在阿纳卡斯蒂亚演奏。

    These musicians are right here -- from right here in Washington .

  3. 他和阿纳爬上了一辆旧的呼哧呼哧直响的T型通用货车。

    With Arne he climbed into an ancient , wheezing model-T utility truck .

  4. 不同于阿纳齐萨,今天任何社会的灭亡都将无可避免地影响到其他遥远的社会。

    Unlike the Anasazi , a society today can 't collapse without affecting societies far away .

  5. 阿纳金天行者,我们已经批准你在长老会的议长个人代表的提议了。

    Anakin skywalker , we have approved your appointment to the Council as the chancellor 's personal representiative .

  6. 他们中为犹大后裔的,有达尼尔、阿纳尼雅、米沙耳和阿匝黎雅。

    Now there were among them of the children of Juda , Daniel , Ananias , Misael , and Azarias .

  7. 您也许听过华盛顿特区的波多马克河,但您听过阿纳卡斯蒂亚河吗?

    You have probably heard of the Potomac River in washington , d.c.but have you ever heard of the Anacostia river ?

  8. 比阿纳。伯格。韦格先生是欧洲最具实践管理经验的咨询专家之一,著有多部关于管理质量方面的书籍。

    Bjarne Berg Wig is one of the most practical experienced management consultants in Europe and are the author of several books on management quality .

  9. 如果没有人能完成这一挑战并找出真相,那么阿纳克洛斯所预见的艾泽拉斯被毁灭的可怕场景也许就将成为现实。

    If a hero does not rise to the challenge and find the truth , Anachronos 's dire vision of Azeroth 's undoing could become reality .

  10. 黛安·丽老师在地形图上指出斯利戈溪流入阿纳卡斯塔河,再流入波托马克河,最后流入切萨皮克海湾,汇入大西洋。

    Lill indicates on the map how Sligo Creek leads to the Anacostia River then to the Potomac , which eventually dumps to the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean .

  11. 由于阿纳齐萨酋长发现,他们短时间内逃脱那些政策所招致的惩罚,但最终他们自己买来的特权也仅仅是最后一个被饿死而已。

    As the Anasazi chiefs found , they could get away with those policies for a while , but ultimately they bought themselves the privilege of being merely the last to starve .

  12. 这周一,阿尔伯克基、劳伦斯、波特兰、圣保罗、比尔县、阿纳达科、奥林匹亚和阿尔皮纳也将把此节日加入美国本土节日的行列中,一同庆祝。

    This Monday , the residents of Albuquerque , Lawrence , Portland , St. Paul , Bexar County , Anadarko , Olympia , and Alpena will celebrate the day with Native American festivals .