
  • Moab;Roman Abramovich;Boo
  1. 莫阿布巨人(MoabGiants)是一个新的恐龙探险公园,为满足今夏《侏罗纪公园》(JurassicWorld)的狂热观众,它很快就会开放。

    Moab Giants , a new dinosaur exploration park , should open just in time to feed on the frenzied fans of " Jurassic World " this summer .

  2. 啊,莫阿布附近的A.C.T.露营地与学习中心(A.C.T.CampgroundandLearningCenter)还有另一半露营者,这个地点部分是由一位环保工程师与废水处理专家设计的。

    Or , see how the other half camps at the A.C.T. Campground and Learning Center near Moab , designed in part by an environmental engineer and wastewater specialist .

  3. 阿布不是他的真名,是他用于伪装身份的名字。

    Abu is not his real name , but it 's one he uses to disguise his identity

  4. 此次绑架行动的三周之前,另外一名救援人员、一名为救援组织CARE工作的司机,也在达达阿布难民营遭到绑架。

    The kidnapping came just three weeks after another aid worker , a driver for the group CARE , was kidnapped from Dadaab .

  5. 救助工作者表示,空置的IfoTwo难民营距离位于达达阿布的难民营非常近。

    Aid workers say the empty camp , known as Ifo Two , is close to another one , Dadaab .

  6. 此前,阿布席塔和他的团队曾设想通过运用网络即时聊天工具WhatsApp传递视频、图片和X-射线资料以协助海外远程手术。

    Previously , Abu-Sitta and his staff were trying to help overseas surgeons by sending them audio recordings , photos and X-rays using the online messenger WhatsApp .

  7. 埃及政府为菲永一家提供了住宿,并安排了游览尼罗河和前往阿布辛贝神殿(abusimbel)的飞机。

    The Fillon family had been housed by the Egyptian government , which also offered a Nile Cruise and a flight to the temple of Abu Simbel .

  8. 与此形成对比的是,在印第安纳波利斯或阿布奎基等相对较小的城市,年收益100万美元的慈善机构其CFO的平均薪酬仅为68000美元。

    By contrast , the study says , the CFO role at a $ 1 million charity in a relatively small city like Indianapolis or Albuquerque pays , on average , about $ 68,000 .

  9. 在的黎波里东南部的阿布萨利姆区(abusalim,卡扎菲在位时曾力挺他),投票率也比较高。

    And in the south-eastern Tripoli District of Abu Salim , known as a stronghold of support for Gaddafi during his reign , voters turned out in relatively high numbers .

  10. 2014年的调查集中在马廷和穆莱·默罕穆德·阿布萨哈(MonerMohammadAbusalha)可能存在的关系上。阿布萨哈是佛罗里达的美国公民,他前往叙利亚,成为了一个极端组织的人体自杀炸弹。

    The 2014 investigation centered on a possible link between Mr. Mateen and Moner Mohammad Abusalha , an American from Florida who became a suicide bomber for an extremist group in Syria .

  11. 中国大型国有企业在尼日利亚随处可见,尤其是中国土木工程集团有限公司(CCECC)。中土正在拉各斯和阿布贾建设轻轨网络,还在其它地区修建公路和铁路。

    Large state corporations are visible , in particular China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation , which is building light rail networks in Lagos and Abuja , as well as road and rail links elsewhere .

  12. 阿布,我要你雇用我进。

    Abruzzi , I need you to hire me a pi .

  13. 阿布,你一定要帮我,把我弄进监狱。

    Abou , you must help me get into the prison .

  14. 你真的是阿布阿萨姆的女儿吗?

    Is it true that you 're Abu assam 's daughter ?

  15. 阿布撒林不在这儿,我想我们可以解决这个。

    Abu Salim isn 't here , we can resolve this .

  16. 苏利和麦克为什么不能让阿布太高兴呢?

    Why can not Sulley and Mike keep Boo too Happy ?

  17. 她正在描述谓语埃及南部的阿布辛波神庙。

    She is describing the temple of Abu Simbel in southern Egypt .

  18. 你已经赢了,我有自由和阿布在一起了。

    You have won , I am free to go with abu .

  19. 你没听懂我的话吗?去找阿布撒林。

    Didn 't you hear me ? Call Abu salim .

  20. 阿布,因为拥有了嗅觉,所以让我们感谢上帝!

    Because we can smell , let us thank God .

  21. 阿布表示他们正在试图取缔抢劫。

    Abu says they are trying to clamp down robberies .

  22. 凯碧:我妈公司调配她到阿布奎基来。我不敢相信你就住这儿。

    Gabriella : My mom 's company transferred her here to Albuquerque .

  23. 阿布加尔达否认了对他的所有指控。

    Abu Garda had denied all the charges against him .

  24. 联合国难民事务高级专员说,每天大约有1500名索马里难民来到达达阿布。

    UNHCR says about 1500 Somali refugees arrive at Dadaab every day .

  25. 阿布,上帝赐予你的第一份礼物是生命。

    The first gift God gave you was life .

  26. 和阿布老板一起工作,我只负责管理球队更关键的部分&比赛。

    With Roman Abramovich I only work on more crucial aspects of management .

  27. 阿布还说了别的什么吗?

    And does Abu have anything else to say ?

  28. 阿布·尼达尔是巴勒斯坦叛徒,他于2002年在巴格达死去。

    Abu Nidal , a Palestinian renegade , died in Baghdad in 2002 .

  29. 阿布完全坚定的相信穆里尼奥和他所做的一切。

    Abramovich has full trust in the manager and what he is doing .

  30. 这是一场伟大、激动人心的比赛,但是他还是通不过阿布式标准的测试。

    It was great , exciting football but it failed Abramovich 's success test .