
  1. 陈军的这张“柳下吟荷”很是唯美。

    " Lotus Song Under Willow " by Chen Jun is aesthetically beautiful .

  2. 陈军傅长敏粘土与烈焰间的陶瓷生活

    Life between clay and blaze

  3. 因为这个缘故,成都交通投资集团成了市内最大的加油站营运商之一。陈军说,至今为止,他在向银行取得贷款以开办新油站的尝试没有遇到任何问题。

    For that reason , Chengdu Communications has become one the city 's biggest operators of petrol stations , and Chen says he has so far faced no problems trying to get a bank to finance new ones .

  4. 开皇九年(589)正月,先锋韩擒虎、贺若弼分别从采石、广陵渡江,直取建康,陈军崩溃,陈后主投降。

    In the 9th year of Kaihuang ( 589 ) , the vanguards Han Qinhu and He Ruobi , s forces advanced crossing the Yangtze River from Caishi and Guangling respectively ; then they quickly attacked and captured Jiankang . The Chen forces collapsed and its emperor surrendered .

  5. 北周灭北齐后,吴明彻再次北伐,在进攻彭城的战斗中失败被俘,陈军主力覆灭,南朝的力量更加衰弱了。

    After the Northern Qi was destroyed by the Northern Zhou , Wu Mingche launched a second expenditure to the North and was captured in the battle in Pengcheng . Since then , the main force of Chen Dynasty was collapsed and the strength of the Southern Dynasties fell into a decline .