
  1. 塔里木河水质污染分析及控制途径&以阿拉尔站为例

    Stream water pollution and its control ways in Tarim River Watershed ── a case study at Aral hydrologic station

  2. 根据阿拉尔市气象局(原阿拉尔气象站)1961~2003年的气象资料,采用求平均值和五日滑动平均气温来确定某界限温度的初、终日期及其持续期活动积温。

    According to the meteorological data ( 1961 ~ 2003 ) from Alar Meteorological Bureau ( former Alar Meteorological Station ), the initial and final date and the accumulated temperature of certain boundary temperature have been counted by the methods of average value and 5-days gliding average value .