  • shrink;contract;withdraw;draw back
  • 向后退,往回收:退~。畏~。~手(喻不敢再做下去)。~手~脚(喻做事顾虑多,不大胆)。

  • 由大变小,由长变短:收~。伸~。压~。~减。~小。~编。~微(指利用照相技术等把文字图像缩成极小的胶卷复制品)。

  • 捆束:“~版以载”。

  • 直,理直:“自反而~,虽千万人,吾往矣”。

  • 滤酒去渣:~酒。

  • 〔~砂密〕多年生草本植物,种子棕色,亦称“缩砂”。种子入中药,称“砂仁”。

  • (縮)


(收缩) contract; shrink:

  • 热胀冷缩

    expand with heat and contract with cold;

  • 那套衣服缩得走了样。

    The suit has shrunk out of shape.

  • 这种布下水不缩。

    This cloth won't shrink when it's washed.


(退缩) draw back; withdraw; recoil:

  • 把手缩回

    withdraw one's hand back;

  • 冷得缩成一团

    huddle oneself up with cold;

  • 敌人缩回去了。

    The enemy has drawn back.

  • 他把身子一缩。

    He shrank back (in shame, horror, etc.).


(减缩) economize:

  • 节衣缩食

    economize on food and clothing


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 缩高

    Suo Gao

  1. 物体热则涨,冷则缩。

    Objects expand when heated and contract when cooled .

  2. 蒸汽雾化圆锥形喷嘴把某人嘴唇缩成圆形。

    Steam atomizing conical jet contract one 's lips into a rounded shape .

  3. 他一见到尸体就吓得往后缩了。

    He recoiled in horror at the sight of the corpse .

  4. 每段的第一行应缩格。

    The first line of each paragraph should be indented .

  5. 那狗要咬她,她马上把手缩了回来。

    The dog snapped at her and she quickly pulled back her hand .

  6. 我在地板上盖着毯子缩成一团。

    I huddled under a blanket on the floor .

  7. 一声枪响,人们缩到墙后或桌子底下躲起来。

    A gun went off and people cowered behind walls and under tables .

  8. 我话到嘴边又缩回去了。

    The words died on my lips .

  9. 你不能自己缩在套子里而忽略这些事实。

    You cannot live in a cocoon and overlook these facts .

  10. 他们力求把开发周期缩至18个月以下。

    They aim to cut production lead times to under 18 months .

  11. 她按门铃时身子在门廊里缩成一团。

    She huddled inside the porch as she rang the bell

  12. 阿利斯泰尔看到亨利向后缩了一下,好像那些话触到了他的痛处。

    Alistair saw Henry shrink , as if the words had touched a nerve

  13. 一个缩头弓身的孤独身影从唐宁街10号出来了。

    A solitary hunched figure emerged from Number Ten

  14. 岩石尖尖的表面剐到了她的皮肤,令她后缩了一下。

    The sharp surface of the rock caught at her skin , making her flinch .

  15. 我看到他走上前,但很快又缩了回来,紧张地搓着手。

    I saw him step forward momentarily but then hang back , nervously massaging his hands .

  16. 我吓得往后缩。

    I cringed in horror .

  17. 她一看见蛇就吓得往后缩。

    She recoiled in horror at the sight of a snake .

  18. 主管要我把报告缩为一页。

    The director asked me to shorten the report to one page .

  19. 看到他那个样子,她吓得直往后缩。

    She recoiled in horror when she saw the state he was in .

  20. 她往后一缩避开了他的触摸。

    She shrank away from his touch .

  21. 他话说了半截儿,又缩回去了。

    He broke off half way and said no more .

  22. 他把身子一缩。

    He shrank back ( in shame , horror , etc. ) .

  23. 这种布下水不缩。

    This cloth won 't shrink when it 's washed .

  24. 我情愿节衣不愿缩食。

    I 'd rather economize on clothes than food .

  25. 敌人缩回去了。

    The enemy has drawn back .

  26. 老人的脸蹙缩得满是皱纹。

    The old man 's face was shrivelled with age .

  27. 这件衣服刚洗了头水就缩了好多。

    This coat shrank badly in the first wash .

  28. 右心房缘变平亦见于缩窄性心包炎。

    Flattening of the right atrial border is also seen in constrictive pericarditis .

  29. 他们在墙角缩作一团,试图避开那顿鞭打。

    They huddled up in the corner , trying to escape being whipped .

  30. 他很冷,因此他在床上缩成一团紧偎着他哥哥。

    He was very cold , so he huddled up against his brother in bed .