
suō lǜ
  • shrinkage
缩率[suō lǜ]
  1. 影响PVC-U管材纵向回缩率的几个主要因素

    Several Main Factors Influencing Lengthways Shrinkage of PVC-U Piping

  2. 结果表明,在液相温度1465℃以下,1400℃烧结2h之后,合金的致密度大于90%,相对线缩率大于72.5%。

    The results show that , substantial densification occurs during the initial solid state sintering , the relative density is above 90 % , the relative linear shrinkage is above 72.5 % after sintered at 1 400 ℃ for 2 h.

  3. GB/T6671.3-1986聚丙烯(pp)管材纵向回缩率的测定

    Polypropylene ( PP ) pipes & Determination of longitudinal reversion

  4. GB/T6671.1-1986硬聚氯乙烯(PVC)管材纵向回缩率的测定

    Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride ( PVC ) pipes & Determination of longitudinal reversion

  5. 结果①A组的即时回缩率和纤维包膜厚度均小于B组(P0.05)。

    Results The immediate stretch-back rate and the thickness of fibrous capsule in A group were lower than those in B group .

  6. 马氏体时效钢中Ti(C、N)含量的增加会降低其断裂韧性与面缩率。

    The reduction of area and fracture toughness increase with decreasing the content of Ti ( C , N ) in maraging steels .

  7. 测试了Co、Mn微合金化钨合金经10%面缩率旋锻后的力学性能。

    The mechanical properties of Tungsten alloy micro alloyed by Co , Mn and swaged by 10 % intersect face reduction are measured .

  8. bFGF和硫糖铝对扩张后皮瓣成活长度及回缩率影响的实验研究

    The effect of local application of bFGF and sucralfate combined with CTE on viability and stretch-back of expanded skin flap in a pig model

  9. 与PF树脂复配,可以大大提高处理木材的抗胀缩率和阻湿率。

    Low mole weight PF resin composited with fire retardant DPB . the anti-swelling or shrinkage and moisture excluding properties of modified wood were increased .

  10. 提出了可变缩率的AGR算法和方差频域反馈修正法,有效改善了原AGR算法的综合性能。

    First , VM-AGR algorithm and variance-correcting method are proposed to greatly improve the performance of original AGR algorithm .

  11. 实验表明:DPB是一种性能较好的木材阻燃剂,但DPB处理木材的抗胀缩率和阻湿率值均很低。

    The experiments showed that DPB is a well wood fire retardant . but ASE and MEE of modified wood are low .

  12. 实践表明,应用于34英寸排气炉设备的新型下吹风技术有效地降低了BK爆缩率,提高了设备运行的可靠性,增加了企业经济效益。

    The results show the new down flow technology that is used in 34 inch exhaust lehr has been reduced BK crack rate and improved the running reliability of the machine and increased the economic benefit of company .

  13. 研究表明:温度对马尾松木材全干缩率和自由干缩系数无影响,在FSP以下自由干缩系数与含水率无关。

    The research indicated that temperature had no effect on the ratio of total shrinkage and the coefficient for free shrinkage , the coefficient for free shrinkage was irrelevant to moisture content below FSP .

  14. 抗渗标号达到08MPa,碳化系数为088,腐蚀系数为078,干缩率降低166%,长期强度(360d)达到407MPa。

    Gauge number of leakage resistance reaches 0 8 MPa . The coefficient of carbonization is 0 88 , while coefficient of erosion attains 0 78 . Drying shrinkage decreases by 16 6 % , however , long term strength ( 360 days ) reaches 40 7 MPa .

  15. 本色棉梭织物组织规格与经纱缩率关系分析

    The Relations Between Specification and Warp Shrinkage of Cotton Grey Fabrics

  16. 短周期工业材干缩率和干燥应变规律的研究

    Shrinkage and Drying Strain of Timber from Fast growing Plantation Wood

  17. 织物紧度与织缩率关系的研究

    A Study on the Cover Factor and the Weaving Shrinkage of Fabrics

  18. 毛织物的汽蒸压烫缩率与湿膨胀率

    Locked press shrinkage and hygral expansion of woven wool fabrics

  19. 羊毛面料超喂缝缩率与力学性能的关系

    Relationship between wool fabric overfeed crease-shrinkage and its mechanical properties

  20. 以黄竹为研究对象,测定了不同含水率下黄竹的径向和弦向干缩率。

    Comparative study on extraction-purification technics and content determination method for bamboo-leaf-flavonoids ;

  21. 经向缩率季节趋势的分析与应用

    Analysis and Application of Relationship of Warpwise Shrinkage and Season

  22. 皮肤的即时回缩率;热锻件的冷缩率问题

    Immediate retraction rate of skin . About cold minification of hot forgings

  23. 影响腈纶正规条缩率的主要因素

    Main factors affecting the shrinkage of regular acrylic top

  24. 对真丝双绉练缩率的探讨

    Discussions on Shrinkage in Silk Crepe de Chine Scouring

  25. 在双对数坐标下,线缩率和时间几乎呈线性关系。

    Shrinkage-time curve is almost linear in logarithmic relationship .

  26. 梭口形状对织物下机缩率的影响

    The Influence of Shape of Shed on Off - loom Shrinkage of Fabric

  27. 色织物经纱织缩率的估算

    Evaluation on Warp Crimp Percentage of Colour Woven Fabric

  28. 纺织品预缩率光电在线测定仪

    Photoelectric Instrument of On-line Measurement for Textile Preshrunk Ratio

  29. 毛纱落水松弛缩率对织物结构及性能的影响

    Investigation of Effects of Wool Yarn Relexation Shrinkage on Fabric Structure and Performance

  30. 而幼龄材全缩率高于成熟材。

    The shrinkages of juvenile wood are higher than that of mature wood .