
xiāo ɡuānɡ jì
  • Matting agent;dulling agent
  1. 涂料中消光剂性能研究

    Study on the Dulling Agent Performance in Coating Material

  2. 消光剂颗粒集结在合成纤维表面附近,导致表面粗糙。

    Agglomerates of delusterant particles located near the surface of sythetic fibers cause asperities .

  3. PVC消光剂及其应用

    Flatting agent and its application to PVC

  4. 国产聚酯消光剂TiO2的应用

    Application of domestic PET delustrant TiO_2

  5. SiO2消光剂(UV55C)对环氧豆油丙烯酸酯性能的影响

    The Influences of SiO_2 Flatting Agent ( UV 55C ) on the Properties of Epoxidized Soybean Oil Acrylate

  6. 确定最佳工艺参数为w(硅油溶液)001%、w(消光剂)85%、施工粘度(23±2)s。

    The optimum parameters were identified as weight percent of silicon oil solution of 0.01 % , weight percent of delustrant of 8.5 % and operating viscosity of ( 23 ± 2 ) s.

  7. 乙二醇锑催化剂,稳定EG、DEG量,选择TiO2消光剂,滤除凝聚粒子;

    The ethylene glycol antimony is used as catalyst to stabilize the content of EG and DEG. The TiO_2 is selected as delustrant to filter the aggregation particle .

  8. 研究了齐聚物、消光剂、光引发剂和活性稀释剂的种类及含量,对紫外光(UV)固化竹木亚光涂料的固化速度、光泽度和硬度的影响。

    The article mainly researched the kinds of oligomer , flatting agent , photo initiators , monomer and the contents to the influence of ultraviolet cure speed , polish degree and rigidity of the second light UV-curing Coating for bamboo wood .

  9. 介绍第3代聚酯新技术(NG3),流程为酯化釜塔式反应器经改进后的固相增黏系统。介绍消光剂加入位置由浆料釜改为第二酯化釜的情况。

    The third generation PET new technique ( NG3 ) is introduced , the process is from esterification autoclave to column reactor then to modified solid state polycondensation system .

  10. 白炭黑消光剂在溶剂型涂料中的应用

    The application of fumed silica matting agent in solvent based coatings

  11. 谈谈消光剂的选择巩膜扩张术治疗老视机制的探讨

    DISCUSSION ON SELECTION OF MATTING AGENTS Scleral expansion surgery for presbyopia

  12. 水性树脂体系中二氧化硅消光剂的评价及应用

    Evaluation and Application of Silica as Matting Agent for Waterborne Resin Series

  13. 消光剂的添加与分散工艺探讨

    Approach to Addition and Dispersion Process of Matting Agent

  14. 水性木器哑光清漆中消光剂的选用

    Selection of Matting Agent for Waterborne Wood Matt Varnish

  15. 介绍消光剂加入位置由浆料釜改为第二酯化釜的情况。

    The delustrant adding position was moved from slurry autoclave to second esterification autoclave .

  16. 二氧化硅消光剂的制备及在家具漆中的应用

    Preparation of SiO_ ( 2 ) flatting agent and its application in furniture paint

  17. 消光剂在氟碳涂料中的应用

    Use of Flatting Agent in Fluorocarbon Coatings

  18. 二氧化硅消光剂研究进展

    Research progress of flatting agent silica

  19. 二氧化硅消光剂及应用

    Silica matting agent and its application

  20. 医用粘合剂聚合物消光剂神经细胞粘附分子

    Neural cell adhesion molecule

  21. 介绍了二氧化硅消光剂的种类、性能、典型产品、应用和分散方法等。

    The sorts , performance , typical products , application and dispersion method of silica matting agent are introduced .

  22. 研究了紫外线辐射对聚酯纤维的影响以及消光剂、纳米紫外线屏蔽剂的稳定作用。

    The effect of UV-radiation on PET and the stabilizing role of dulling agents and UV shield agents were investigated .

  23. 实验结果表明,消光剂在水性树脂体系中表现出与溶剂型体系不同的消光规律。

    Testing results showed that the matting agent in water-borne resins proved its matting rules different from those in solvent-borne resins .

  24. 例如,如按纤维重量加入2%消光剂,可以生产无光纤维。

    For example , based on the weight of the fiber , the inclusion of 2 % delusterant would produce a dull fiber .

  25. 本文讨论了消光剂、配方组成、施工和固化条件等对100%UV固化涂料光泽的影响。

    The influence of matting agents , formulation , and application and curing schedule on gloss of 100 % UV curing coatings is discussed .

  26. 讨论了聚氨酯树脂、二氧化硅消光剂、丝肽手感改良剂、溶剂配伍等对制品性能的影响。

    The effects of PU resin , silicon dioxide matting agent , silk fibroin touch modifier and the compatibility of solvents on the product properties are discussed .

  27. 均四甲苯是重要的精细化工原料,可作为医药、粉末涂料消光剂、染料、农药、表面活性剂等的重要原料。

    Durene is an important chemical material . Durene may be used as material in medicine , matting agent of coating , coloring matter , agricultural chemical pesticide and surfactant .

  28. 为了获得生产上稳定的低光泽,除选用合适的消光剂外,还要考虑配方组成、施工和固化条件,甚至底材对涂膜光泽的影响。

    In order to obtain a stable low film gloss , besides of the careful selection of matting agents , influence of composition of formulation , application and curing schedule on film gloss should be concerned .

  29. 一般溶剂型涂料和水性涂料使用消光剂来获得低光泽或亚光效果,但对100%UV固化涂料体系,因固化时涂膜收缩很少而使其消光相当困难。

    The commonly used solvent based or waterborne coatings are using matting agent for low gloss or matting coatings , But 100 % UV curing coatings is difficult for its matting because of its less shrinkage during curing process .

  30. 为解决无光丙烯酸漆涂装漆膜光泽偏高、表观效果差的弊病,采用新的涂装工艺,加入消光剂、流平剂等涂料助剂,控制施工粘度,所得漆膜光泽度低、表观效果好。

    To solve defects of high luster and bad appearance of matt acrylic coatings , a new process was adopted with addition of delustrant and leveler as auxiliary agents , and control of operating viscosity . The obtained film had low luster and satisfied appearance .