
  • 网络Peptide;E.G.F Peptide
  1. 现在刺激一下公众,对将来缩氨酸7号的销售可能还会有好处呢

    Titillating the public now could help sales of Peptide 7 latet on .

  2. 环状回肠造口术后回肠黏膜的形态学和缩氨酸YY的适应性时段改变

    Time-course of morphologic changes and peptide YY adaptation in ileal mucosa after loop ileostomy in humans

  3. PRINS反应的基本物是DNA聚合酶和引物原位扩展反应中的标引核苷。缩氨酸核酸探针是合成的不带电聚酰胺主链的DNA类似物。

    The PRINS reaction is based on the use of a DNA polymerase and labeled nucleotide in an in situ primer extension reaction .

  4. 方法及结果:短距红外线荧光显影剂含有组织蛋白酶K缩氨酸感光底物GHPGGPQGKC-NH2,其连结在一个可激活的荧光底物激活体上。

    Methods and Results & The NIRF imaging agent consists of the CatK peptide substrate GHPGGPQGKC-NH2 linked to an activatable fluorogenic polymer .

  5. 反抗的淀粉生产较多的饱满,可能地部分透过不同缩氨酸(PYY)的释放。

    Resistant starch produces more satiety , possibly partly through the release of a different peptide ( PYY ) .

  6. 尽管迹象有利,但最新的缩氨酸混合物仍然存在一些困难。

    Despite favourable signals , the latest peptide mix presented difficulties .

  7. 表面增强拉曼光谱测定缩氨酸在银表面上的取向

    Orientation of Some Peptides Absorbed on Silver Surface by Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

  8. 蛋白质变性、降解,胨、氨基酸、缩氨酸等物质有所增加。

    The protein denatured and amino acid increased when proteins denatured and degraded .

  9. 在世界各地,其它国家也赶紧批准缩氨酸7号,并索取供货。

    Throughout the world , other countries were rushing to approve Peptide 7 and obtain supplies .

  10. 这些信号通常是由缩氨酸产生的。而这些缩氨酸由很多荷尔蒙调节着。

    These signals are produced by peptides , which are regulated by a number of hormones .

  11. 氨基官能团是非常重要的,他的重要性体现在它是缩氨酸和蛋白质的最基本的联接基团。

    The amino group is of great importance because it is the fundamental group combing peptides and proteins .

  12. 发现鳄鱼血液中是否存在这种缩氨酸是一次漫长的等待。

    It was a long wait to find out if there was this peptide in the crocodile 's blood .

  13. 正常情况下,这些荷尔蒙调节控制进食的缩氨酸的水平从而有利于维持稳定的体重。

    Under normal conditions these hormones help maintain a stable body weight by adjusting levels of the peptides that control eating .

  14. 病毒性抗原一般比较安全,但是为了避免产生副作用,可以利用提纯抗原和合成缩氨酸。

    Viral antigens are generally safer but in order to avoid side effects , purified antigens or synthetic peptides can be used .

  15. 采用降钙素基因相关的缩氨酸和神经丝蛋白双重免疫细胞化学染色法鉴定并测定神经元的纯度。

    Immunocytochemistry was performed by double staining with anti-calcitonin gene-related peptide and anti-NF200 antibodies to evaluate the purification rate of DRG neurons .

  16. 能通过蛋白质水解过程将蛋白质催化分解为更小的缩氨酸和氨基酸的酶。

    Any enzyme that catalyzes the splitting of proteins into smaller peptide fractions and amino acids by a process known as proteolysis .

  17. 降钙素一种缩氨酸荷尔蒙,由人体内的甲状腺产生。在不增加钙含量的情况下,可降低血中钙和磷酸盐的含量。

    A peptide hormone , produced by the thyroid gland in human beings , that lowers plasma calcium and phosphate levels without augmenting calcium accretion .

  18. 早期人体试验的目的,不是研究缩氨酸7号的积极效果,而是探索有无有害的副作用。

    The purpose of the early human testing was not to study positive results form Peptide 7 , but to look for any harmful side effects .

  19. 蜂毒是一种小型蛋白质或缩氨酸,可以吸附到细胞膜上,在细胞上可以形成微孔导致细胞破裂,并杀死他们。

    Melittin is a small protein , or peptide , that is strongly attracted to cell membranes , where it can form pores that break up cells and kill them .

  20. 这些缩氨酸的作用是向大脑发出信号,告诉大脑我们应该吃多少的食物、吃什么食物以及我们当前的能量状况。

    And these gut peptides which are signaling to the brain to tell the brain how much food and what you should be taken in and what your energy status is .

  21. 最终结果就是我们将会得到少量绿棕色含有氨基酸、缩氨酸、葡萄糖等成分的液体,以及一些柔软、极易破碎、透气性强的骨头。

    The end result is a small quantity of green-brown tinted liquid containing amino acids , peptides , sugars and salts and soft , porous white bone remains which are easily crushed .

  22. N-水杨醛缩天冬氨酸与锌的荧光反应及其应用

    Fluorescent reaction of zinc with N-salicylidene aspartic acid and its applications

  23. 通过缩氨键的分裂把蛋白质水解为缩氨酸和氨基酸的过程。

    The hydrolysis of proteins into peptides and amino acids by cleavage of their peptide bonds .